President Obama and Zuma to discuss Zimbabwe – reminder to - TopicsExpress


President Obama and Zuma to discuss Zimbabwe – reminder to Mugabe that he is being watched! June 29, 2013 in Uncategorized President Obama and President Zuma will discuss Zimbabwe before the US President fly on to Tanzania tomorrow. “Both President Zuma and President Obama have been seized with the Zimbabwe political crisis for some time now, in their own respective ways. They are anxious that the current roadmap to elections and democracy yields a less toxic body politic that will restore the country’s standing within the international community. “In that light, a discussion on Zimbabwe and its political problems is a certainty, in the spirit of trying to assist the long-suffering people of Zimbabwe,” a source told Daily News. Mugabe and his murderous Zanu PF thugs have got away, thanks to Tsvangirai and MDC’s breath-taking incompetence, with not implementing any meaningful democratic reforms hence there is still no free media and freedom of expression; the voters roll is still in a mess and so hundreds of thousands will be denied a vote on July 31; etc. Still what the tyrant and his thugs now know is that they will not get away with wanton violence and “cooking up” election results as they did in 2008! For a party that has always believed “what was won by the bullet, cannot be changed by a ball-point pen!” and whose leader has boasted of having “several degrees in violence” this election is going to present a real challenge. After all these years of treating the Zimbabwean electorate as if they were nothing but nincompoops to be cheated and beaten to stop regime change. Now Zanu PF has to do this without cheating and wanton violence with an electorate that hate the party for all the past abuse! The US and the whole world is watching Zimbabwe and they want to how Mugabe and Zanu PF can prevent regime change without cheating and wanton violence! Nonsense
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 18:42:24 +0000

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