President Obama and his Democrat cronies have delayed Obama-care - TopicsExpress


President Obama and his Democrat cronies have delayed Obama-care mandates more than 30 time usually and conveniently until after the next elections. Why? They are not delaying Obama-care mandates for us. The Democrats and Obama are delaying it because they want to get re-elected. They know that if Obama-care were to go into effect fully, not a single Democrat would win his or her seat. . How does it feel to be manipulated and taken for a fool America. You deserve it for not caring enough to stay informed, for choosing appearance instead of character, for choosing self-interest instead of principal, for screwing your children and grand children instead of sacrificing a little now and for re-electing corrupt, self serving, politicians year after year. . Did you think such behavior would have no effect? How old were you when you first heard the quote ‘Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?” . Ignorance is its own reward and we are an ignorant people who have grown complacent about our responsibilities as citizens and free men. We have taken for granted liberties and responsibilities dearly paid for and given through the grace of God. . The question is whether we will be able to recover after Obama and the Democrats are through with us. A lot of damage has already been done and Obama and Company have 3 more years to finish the job. . Some people believe our goose is already cooked and the game is over. Our debt, 17 trillion and growing, with more than 70 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the federal reserve printing more than 45 billion dollars a month in funny money that is causing a stock market bubble that is guaranteed to burst, our entitlement culture and what’s in it for me attitude, our lack of respect for tested principles and morals like the work ethic, the value of an education, and the sanctity of life, our acceptance of government that lies to us and manipulates data and facts in order to maintain power, our acceptance of a media and press that no longer engages in critical analysis or seeks the truth and facts but serves as the propaganda arm of the party in power, our children having children out of wedlock guaranteeing a permanent underclass of poor, our selfishness and our greed, all guarantee the collapse of our society in the near future. I hope and pray they are wrong because if they are correct, the pain and suffering this country is going to endure will make the Great Depression seem like a walk in the park or a New Years Eve Party. . I sense trouble coming internally and externally from our economic and military weakness abroad. Hold onto you hats folks and understand what ever happens, it is well deserved.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:04:57 +0000

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