President Obama claims that the extremism and reality-challenged - TopicsExpress


President Obama claims that the extremism and reality-challenged nature of his political opponents explain his limitless policy failures, which, of course, he also refuses to acknowledge. This is truly rich but nothing new. Obama simply will not accept responsibility for his own actions or the failure of his own policies. His latest jaw dropper is his denial that he had anything to do with completely withdrawing our troops from Iraq, though he campaigned on a promise to do so. And refused to become engaged enough in the Iraq problem in 2011 to even try to achieve a status of forces agreement Obama said, What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision. In Obamas defense, he has no choice but to blame others for his failures, because he is serving a lifetime sentence in the prison of his narcissistic psyche. Fact-based, Mr. President? You mean like: --Your refusal to recognize the global threat of Islamic terrorism, believing the only culprit is al-Qaida? Or your fantasy that terrorists are born as a result of the failure of governments to give them a seat at the table of power, as opposed to their ideological fervor, and that they can be won over with a little tolerance? --Acting as though we dont have a crisis on our southern border? --Dismissing the Internal Revenue Services targeting of conservative groups and the convenient, mysterious destruction of agency hard drives as a phony scandal? --Claiming Obamacare is improving our health care system, improving the quality of care, increasing choice and reducing costs to individuals and the government? --Contending that youve cut the deficit in half when you are basing that calculation on an artificially high base line based on your predecessors last year in office, which included extraordinary items from the 2008 financial meltdown? --Alleging that a deficit that has finally been reduced to a figure twice as high as President George W. Bushs average deficit constitutes fiscal progress when we have $17 trillion of debt and $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities? Do you actually expect us to believe that just because our deficits are lower than during Bushs last fiscal year and your first term, which featured record-setting spending, we are now swimming in money? Thats like a bankrupt individuals saying he intends to build a mansion because he only increased his bankrupt-level indebtedness half as much this past year as he increased it the year before. Do you really not yet understand the difference between deficit and debt? --Claiming that your nearly trillion-dollar stimulus package, your war on business and oil, your avalanche of new smothering regulations, and your onerous tax policies have resulted in an economic boom throughout your term? --Pretending that one incidental quarter of growth -- which fails to factor in that we have the lowest labor participation rate since 1978, anemic household income and record levels of people on government assistance -- sustains your claim that were witnessing an economic boom? If the polls are any indication, people may finally be realizing that it is not Republicans but Obamas extremism, his unswerving ideology and his refusal to accept facts and draw reasonable conclusions from them that are perpetuating Americas rapid decline. November should tell the tale.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:24:25 +0000

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