President Obama continues to dawdle in staking out a strategy to - TopicsExpress


President Obama continues to dawdle in staking out a strategy to deal with the threat from ISIS which has been readily apparent for at least a year. Some attribute his resistance to incompetence and/or a complete misunderstanding of the workings of the region and Islamic based terror; others to a lack of interest in foreign affairs generally. Some suggest he is waiting for his administration to give him options to choose from (and George W. Bush was derided for declaring himself the decider).Perhaps Obamas need to blame everyone but himself is causing him to take extra time to work out a strategy that will take years to implement- transferring responsibility for any failure onto the next president. Is it at all possible, however, that Obamas foot-dragging is, at least in some small part, shaped by the possible collateral effect any strategy might have on his policy toward Israel? Could he be concerned about the potential loss of his self-proclaimed high ground with respect to Israel? Throughout his presidency, Obama and his two Secretaries of State have treated Israel with a puzzling particularity, or perhaps more accurately, disdain. Over simplified, America is entitled to defend itself in a multitude of ways but Israel, because it is deemed the cause of all discord in the Middle East, must change itself rather than forcibly change its Arab and Palestinian neighbors. Likely, Obama formed most of his approach to the Jewish state from the Israel hating academia, clergy, and Muslim Brotherhood associates he has surrounded himself with; polished by a corrupt elite media that for decades can only paint one picture of Israel- that of the oppressive occupier engaged in apartheid over innocent Palestinian victims whose natural homeland was illegally taken. Obama, heralded for his unmatched IQ which would finally restore the world to an intelligent footing, should, of course, know that each word in this description is patently false. Apparently not, as his relationship with Israel and its Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, has reflected a deep hatred, Obamas rhetoric notwithstanding. Having shown his obsessive preoccupation with defanging Israel while keeping up appearances that he is a friend, Obama may be limiting his potential responses to ISIS to those he is comfortable approving for Israel. And that leaves him with little. ISIS, for these purposes, is no different from Hamas, Hezbollah, the Islamic Republic of Iran or any number of other local Arab states that seek Israels destruction. (Even the supposed secular PLO/Fatah/Palestinian Authority that Western elites delude themselves are motivated not by Islamic supremacism and Jew hatred but by mere Western notions of money and corruption, are fully in line with the ultimate elimination of any Jewish state. One need only look at the media the PA for decades foisted upon Palestinian children to realize that generations will have to be rehabilitated if any notion resembling Western peace is to become acceptable). If Obama is to seek to destroy ISIS, can he really demand that Netanyahu act differently? If Obama is to arm the Kurds and others to fight ISIS, what right does he have to withhold arms and supplies from Israel to fight their Jihadic enemies? If he is trying to develop any nuanced differences between his policies for the US and Israel, time is surely required to bend common sense so far. Read more: Family Security Matters Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:12:49 +0000

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