President Obama gets a lot of undeserved criticism from - TopicsExpress


President Obama gets a lot of undeserved criticism from conservatives. He’s a well-intentioned guy who is doing the best he can, and I think it’s time I came clean about something that I’ve been hiding for a long time: I love the president. Here’s a love letter that best reflects how I feel. Dear Barack, I love that you always follow through with your promises. Like closing Guantanamo Bay, ending extraordinary rendition, terminating the “war on terror,” not using drones to kill innocent women and children, and not unconstitutionally carrying out wars on foreign nations like Libya. Even your “kill list” is pretty badass. I love how you respond to foreign policy crises with skill and aplomb: like your “flexibility” with Russia, for example. I love how you schmooze with dictators and take selfies at funerals. It’s just fantastic how everyone loves America now that you’re in charge. I love how you play lots and lots of rounds of golf, are off doing more important things when our diplomats and troops are in harm’s way, run guns to Mexican drug cartels and fail to track them, leak intel secrets before the election, claim credit for the SEALs’ killing of bin laden and then declare Al Qaeda all but dead. I love how you use the word “I” repeatedly, can’t give a speech without a teleprompter, make a big deal out of your NCAA brackets, go on niche comedy shows and hobnob with celebrities when you should be doing other things, skip out on intel briefings and jobs council meetings for months on end… I love it all. And I love you. I love how the tides have lowered, race relations have healed, and our entire country is making “progress” while being fundamentally transformed. I love how you say that we are in a “recovery” when your administration has net a few million jobs in 5 years, and the middle class is getting crushed. I love how we are around 7% unemployment or above for 5 years and your presidency acts like that is a success. Not to mention real unemployment is something like 12.6%. You saved us from 50% unemployment and a 100% loss of wealth. Like you said, “you didn’t build that.” Thanks for humbling us. I used to be a fool, thinking that I loved America as it was founded. Constitutionally limited government, liberty, and free market prosperity. I loved that we used to declare wars only when they were declared on us, way back before the “progressive” era. I loved that we were respected for being the land of the free and the home of the brave. But now I see that was all wrong. I loved a lie. I love Barack Obama. Kyle Becker **April Fools :)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 20:55:22 +0000

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