President Obama has broken every promise he made while campaigning - TopicsExpress


President Obama has broken every promise he made while campaigning for office. He said that he wouldnt hire Wall Street executives to work in The White House, but thats all hes hired. Now the brother of Chicagos Mayor Richard Daley, who works as an executive for JP Morgan in New York, is going to be appointed by President Obama to The White House chief of staff. Obama promised to allow the public to view new bills before the were passed into law; but instead Obama passed laws without even allowing Congress to read them first. Im not making this stuff up, I wish I were. I wont belabor the point because you need to watch the eye-opening documentary, THE OBAMA DECEPTION. Some have questioned whether Obama is a Communist or not? I can tell you by definition of the word “Communism” that HE IS. One of the definitions of the noun Communism is “a socialist who advocates Communism.” Obama is an Anti-American, God-hating Communist wrapped in a smile. Obama was not elected; he was chosen and placed into office. I am not saying that Barack Obama is the Antichrist, but it is a Biblical teaching that high political positions will be given by Satan in the End Times... Revelation 13:2b, “and the dragon [Satan] gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” The Antichrist will have great authority. It is very interesting that President Obama is the FIRST U.S. President to ever be made chairman of the United Nations Security Council (a violation of the U.S. Constitution). CNN reported that Obama has been called The President of the world.” Certainly, the overwhelming international public support of Barack Obama is arguably a form of worship. Even now our economy is faltering, being bolstered up by deficit spending and a mass flood of illegal immigrants willing to work for peanuts. The only people saying were not in a depression are the people who still have jobs and a home. Communism sounds great in theory; but in reality it always leads to an oppressive form of tyrant government and a failed economy. Communism is synonymous with atheism, anarchy and a brutal police state regime.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:28:03 +0000

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