President Obama’s terribly misguided decision to send 3,000 - TopicsExpress


President Obama’s terribly misguided decision to send 3,000 troops to Liberia to combat the Ebola virus which could result in Americans being put at risk for contracting the deadly illness at home, some health experts say. Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeon has clearly stated that she is opposed to sending U.S. combat troops into the West African countries to “fight” against Ebola. Dr. Orient has stated that soldiers from West African countries are shooting people who cross borders or in some manner violate existing quarantines. Orient speculated, “Is this the kind of activity that our troops plan to support?” Orient and several other medical experts believe that sending troops to Africa will increase the likelihood that Ebola will be brought to the U.S. in greater numbers. I have been hard pressed to find anyone who think that sending our troops to West Africa is a good idea. It makes no sense to send U.S. combat troops to West Africa in order to construct temporary treatment facilities. Military construction has always fallen to one of two groups. Historically military organizations such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should be the number one choice if a military presence is required at the construction site. The other and increasingly more common group, private contractors, should be sent to complete such a mission (i.e. Haliburton, KBR). Why is Obama deviating from what the government usually does in these matters? Sending inexperienced troops for the sole purpose of being engaged in construction matters makes no sense. And when this insanity is combined with sending troops into harms way with little to no biohazard training, this is a prescription for disaster. Obama’s actions do not make any sense unless we look at history. It is becoming increasingly clear that the major reason that Obama is sending troops to West Africa is to experiment on them! Before you can utter the words “conspiracy theorist”, please allow me to review the history of this government and its long track record of experimenting on its own soldiers in a series of long-standing and unethical experiments. thecommonsenseshow/2014/11/01/u-s-troops-being-sent-to-west-africa-for-experimentation-purposes/
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 15:23:34 +0000

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