President Pat Toomey; Vice President Chuck Pike(who was Toomeys - TopicsExpress


President Pat Toomey; Vice President Chuck Pike(who was Toomeys long -time buddy); Richard Gilder, formerly Chairman of the Manhattan Institute; and Thomas Rhodes, President of National Review magazine, and the CFG is associated with a variety of right-wing organizations, including the Heritage Foundation. Each one of those entities and persons has been the recipient of much Koch charitable cash, even besides the payments for leadership in the CFG. Club for Growth was also overwhelmingly the larges direct donor to Jim DeMints political career during 2007-2012 ($157,067 as compared to the #2 direct donor, Scana Corp., which is a S.C. energy company, $49,475); Koch Industries itself was #6 (at $22,000); Club for Growth was also the largest direct donor throughout DeMints entire political career, but the #2, again Scana Corp., gave two-thirds as much, far closer, Koch was #12. In other words: the longer that DeMint was in politics, the more impressed that the Club for Growth and the Kochs became with his performance. Perhaps thats why, in 2012, they handed him the leadership of Heritage Foundation, and a huge hike in his pay, to over a million dollars a year. The #2 Ted Cruz Donor, the Senate Conservatives Fund, had been set up by the then-Senator JIM DEMINT in 2008, and it funded the far-right Republican Pat Toomeys win of a Pennsylvania U.S. Senate seat from the merely conservative Republican incumbent U.S. Senator Arlen Spector, and it funded the far-right Republican MARCO RUBIOS win of a Florida U.S. Senate seat against the merely Conservative former Florida Republican Governor Charlie Crist. Then, DeMints CFG funded TED CRUZS replacing Republican KAY BAILEY HUTCHINSON as a Texas U.S. Senator. DeMint was able to do all of that because he had enjoyed massive funding from the Kochs and their friends (including Toomey). As Polluter Watch headlined on 6 December 2012, Jim DeMint and Heritage Foundation Awash in Koch Brother Money. However, DeMints backing by the Kochs was by the Kochs hundreds of billionaire and centi-millionaire friends, whom the Kochs had nurtured during decades, in their joint long campaign to take over the U.S. Government and to turn American Democracy into a FACIST GOVERNMENT, controlled by a mega-corporate-elite behind closed doors, supported in this effort by religious fundamentalists such as Jim DeMint himself who was a member of the C-Street Family. The Kochs Father Fred Koch ahd been a fundamentalist Christian co-founder of the John Birch Society, whose spin-off in 1981, which was/is the highly secretive fundamentalist Christian Theocratic Aristocratic Council for National Policy, awarded his son Charles Koch their Free Enterprise Award in 1999. The great investigative journalist Lee Fang managed to obtain Kochs acceptance-speech transcript, in which Charles condemned the French Revolution (which beheaded the Aristocrats), and said that the highest form of charity is dispensing with charity all together and replacing it by enabling your fellow humans to...earn their won living. In other words: he was saying that the public depend upon the rich in order to be able to survive. He opposed not only obligatory social-welfare donations via taxes, but even voluntary charity, and favored instead just freedom - unlimited greed. The underlying view had been expressed by the Scrooge Character in Dickens famous A Christmas Carol. Charles Koch heaped praise upon four major organizations that his foundations financed: HERITAGE FOUNDATION, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Federalist Society, and George Mason University. He also referred to his prde at receiving the Richard De Vos Award. Because, to me, Rich exemplifies, as much as anybody, both what I call principled entrepreneurship and dedication to the advancement of a free and civil society. However, for the general public, he has refered to it instead as the Free Enterprise Award, which was its othr name. His address ended, Im dedicated to living by and advancing these principles and values. I dont agree with the following, but he had the AUDACITY(THIS IS DIANE GLAZIER TALKING) I echo Martin Luther. HOW DARE HE! I GUARANTEE YOU MARTIN LUTHR KING WOULDNT AGREE WITH THIS! AS A MATTER OF FACT...WHY ARENT MARTIN LUTHR KING JR. FAMILY NOT INVOLVED WITH LETTING THIS RACIST CRAP UNDERMINE WHAT MARTIN LUTHER KING DIED FOR! THIS IS WHAT I MEAN...PEOPLE DONT PAY ATTENTION: INSTEAD OF WORRYING ABOUT SNL NOT HAVING BLACK ACTRESSES...RIGHT DONT WE PAY ATTENTION TO WHATS GOING ON RIGHT NOW THAT REALLY MATTERS! BY THE WAY...I DIDNT LIKE KERRY WASHINGTONS PORTRAYAL OF HOW BLACK, AFRICAN AMERICAN OR WHATEVER THE HELL THEY CALL US.... SHE SHOULD BE ASHAMED! THAT GHETTO PORTRAYAL SHE DID WAS NOT FUNNY! SHES LETTING THEM UNDERMINE HER TALENT!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 17:54:37 +0000

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