President Robert Mugabe has increased state intelligence placed - TopicsExpress


President Robert Mugabe has increased state intelligence placed under 24 hour surveillance, on his former deputy, Joice Mujuru, in the wake of the Zanu-PF congress that ended last Sunday, The Zimbabwean reports. Security sources said Mujuru had been placed under a 24 hour surveillance by details from the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) to record her movements and the people she is interacting with. Mujuru was not responding to calls on her mobile phone on several attempts while her assistant, Patricia Parwada, was said to be out of office on numerous occasions The Zimbabwean called. “Mai Mujuru has been very quiet and HE (His Excellency) and the Mnangagwa faction are not sure what she is thinking. It is now a guessing game and this is the reason why she has been placed on a 24 hour surveillance,’ said one of the sources. Mujuru has been under intense vilification from her factional rival, Justice minister Emerson Mnangagwa, Grace Mugabe and those loyal to the faction. They have accused her of attempting to topple President Mugabe, corruption and working with the political opposition to succeed the 90 year old ruler, who has also repeated the same accusations. Mujuru did not attend the 6th Zanu-PF congress fearing for her life after open threats from Grace and Zanu-PF militias aligned to Mnangagwa. She has been removed from her position as the party’s deputy. The sources said Mujuru had been under casual surveillance from the time Grace publicly accused her of corruption and trying to use irregular means to take over from Mugabe, but more details were deployed to monitor her after congress. “HE is very angry that Mujuru had the guts to snub the congress. He sees that as a humiliation and never thought she would stay away. It is not clear what he plans to do with her but he seems unsettled by the fact that she is playing her cards close to her chest,” said another intelligence source. He added that Mujuru was minimizing her movements and was mostly confined to her Chisipite home fearing fatal eventualities like a staged car crash. Some zanu(pf) leaders have been died in car crashes after falling out of favour. The source said it was highly unlikely Mugabe would harm her, unless it became evident that she planned to take action that would threaten his hold on power. Mugabe is reportedly worried that Mujuru may join hands with western governments and the opposition to form a challenge against him ahead of the 2018 general elections. She has vowed that she will remain loyal to Zanu-PF, but the sources said she could decide to launch a contest for the Zanu-PF leadership by declaring that the just ended congress was illegal. The agent revealed that Happyton Bonyongwe, who has in the past been linked to the Mujuru camp, had gone unusually quiet and hardly held regular meetings with his subordinates. “There is so much suspicion among us now. There is talk that the Mnangagwa faction wants him to be relieved of his post and he seems to have become extremely cautious, preferring to watch from a distance,” he said. Mujuru is also avoiding meeting with other party stalwarts, the sources said, but is talking mostly to her church colleagues in the Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe where she is patron and the Salvation Army, whose leadership at one time is reported to have advised her to quit politics and concentrate on charity work. Her most regular visitors in Chisipite, they said, are her family members, while she has hardly been seen at her Munhumutapa office that she is set to leave once Mugabe names his new deputies. On Monday, Mujuru issued a statement addressed to Zimbabweans indicating that she lived in fear, and denied all the allegations levelled against her by her political rivals.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 03:23:08 +0000

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