President Uhuru Decision To Attend ICC Was Best For Kenya And - TopicsExpress


President Uhuru Decision To Attend ICC Was Best For Kenya And Him Following the decision of ICC to summon President Uhuru Kenyatta to attend the status conference at The Hague in person, my humble opinion is that he should, for his own and Kenya’s best interests. President Uhuru should ignore the advice of African Union and political friends and attend his trial. He himself has said he believes in the rule of law and principles like rule of law, freedom and justice should be obeyed even when there is a chance not to, because they help us to protect life better than we would without them. President Uhuru like other people can only best protect himself under the rule of law. If Uhuru does not attend his trial at The Hague, he will be issued with a warrant of arrest and render himself a fugitive from international law. When African leaders urge Uhuru to disobey ICC, will they share the fugitive status with him? As some of us know from exile, you may be innocent, a freedom fighter like Nelson Mandela or president like Laurent Gbagbo of Cote d’ Ivoire or Muammar Qaddafi of Libya but life as a fugitive or refugee is terrible. Uhuru will protect himself best by heeding the rule of law and going to ICC than absconding. And contrary to what many people like lawyers who should know better have urged Uhuru not to attend trial at ICC, Uhuru should attend trial at ICC because cooperating with the international court is not violating sovereignty of Kenya. Our constitution has already domesticated the Rome Statute and ICC and both are now an integral part of our legal system, obedience to which can never be violation of sovereignty
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:39:27 +0000

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