President Washington Supportive of the slave trade. President - TopicsExpress


President Washington Supportive of the slave trade. President Clinton Blocked efforts to stop the genocide in Rwanda President George Bush Sr Aided the Guatemala military’s genocide of its Mayan population President Ronald Ragan Committed treason (negotiating with Iran to delay release of hostages) in order to win the 1980 election President Carter Continued to support and defend dictators and their human rights abuses President Ford Allowed and probably sanctioned Indonesia’s invasion and massacre in East Timor. President Nixon Watergate Vietnam Bombing of Cambodia and the murder of 600,000 to 700,000 Cambodians CIA destabilization of Cambodian Prince Sihanouk’s government (and possible support of the 1970 coup) that eventually brought Pol Pot to power Overthrow of Salvador Allende and the support of Augusto Pinochet’s reign of terror President Johnson Bombing and napalming of Guatemala countryside and giving military aid to the government and its death squads Vietnam FBI started campaign to discredit Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. President Eisenhower CIA overthrow of democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz, installing dictator Castillo Armas President Truman Dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki non-combatants to terrorize Japan into surrender. President Roosevelt Executive Order 9066 — Internment of Japanese Americans Firebombing of Dresden Firebombing of Tokyo President Wilson A virulent racist who rekindled racism in America Segregated the federal government President T. Roosevelt Continued Philippines occupation and massacres. George Washington: Offering money for arms and food to French planters in Haiti in order to suppress the slave rebellion. John Adams: Signing the Alien and Sedition Acts. Thomas Jefferson: Breaking a treaty with the Cherokee nation that guaranteed the tribe lands in Georgia, effectively establishing the policy of “Indian removal.” James Monroe: Ordering Andrew Jackson to fight the Seminoles and occupy Florida without Congressional approval. John Quincy Adams: The “corrupt bargain,” in which he made Henry Clay his Secretary of State in exchange for Congress electing him President. Andrew Jackson: Ignoring the Supreme Court’s Worcester v. Georgia ruling and beginning the process of Indian removal. Martin Van Buren: Presiding over the “Trail of Tears.” John Tyler: Pursuing the annexation of Texas, setting up the Mexican-American War. James K. Polk: Starting the Mexican-American War. Millard Fillmore: Signing the Compromise of 1850, which included the infamous Fugitive Slave Act. Abraham Lincoln: Suspending habeas corpus in order to imprison Civil War protesters. Andrew Johnson: Mishandling Reconstruction, allowing most Southern states to pass “Black Codes” and opposing efforts to assist freedmen. Ulysses S. Grant: Presiding over probably the most corrupt administration in American history. Rutherford B. Hayes: Using federal troops to put down the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. Chester A. Arthur: Signing the Chinese Exclusion Act, a ban on Chinese immigration that would last 10 years. Benjamin Harrison: Sending federal troops to disarm the Lakota Sioux in what turned into the Wounded Knee Massacre. William McKinley: Beginning American imperial expansion in the Pacific, annexing Hawaii and the Philippines. Teddy Roosevelt: Issuing the Roosevelt Corollary to justify American military intervention throughout Latin America. Herbert Hoover: Authorizing Mexican Repatriation, a forced removal of Mexican immigrants, in response to the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Ordering the internment of over 100,000 Japanese-Americans during World War II. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Authorizing the CIA’s overthrow of the Iranian government. John F. Kennedy: Authorizing, and then botching, the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba. Lyndon Johnson: Escalating American involvement in Vietnam. Richard Nixon: The secret bombings of Cambodia and Laos. Gerald Ford: Pardoning Richard Nixon. President Washington Supportive of the slave trade. President Clinton Blocked efforts to stop the genocide in Rwanda President George Bush Sr Aided the Guatemala military’s genocide of its Mayan population President Ronald Ragan Committed treason (negotiating with Iran to delay release of hostages) in order to win the 1980 election President Carter Continued to support and defend dictators and their human rights abuses President Ford Allowed and probably sanctioned Indonesia’s invasion and massacre in East Timor. President Nixon Watergate Vietnam Bombing of Cambodia and the murder of 600,000 to 700,000 Cambodians CIA destabilization of Cambodian Prince Sihanouk’s government (and possible support of the 1970 coup) that eventually brought Pol Pot to power Overthrow of Salvador Allende and the support of Augusto Pinochet’s reign of terror President Johnson Bombing and napalming of Guatemala countryside and giving military aid to the government and its death squads Vietnam FBI started campaign to discredit Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. President Eisenhower CIA overthrow of democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz, installing dictator Castillo Armas President Truman Dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki non-combatants to terrorize Japan into surrender. President Roosevelt Executive Order 9066 — Internment of Japanese Americans Firebombing of Dresden Firebombing of Tokyo President Wilson A virulent racist who rekindled racism in America Segregated the federal government President T. Roosevelt Continued Philippines occupation and massacres. George Washington: Offering money for arms and food to French planters in Haiti in order to suppress the slave rebellion. John Adams: Signing the Alien and Sedition Acts. Thomas Jefferson: Breaking a treaty with the Cherokee nation that guaranteed the tribe lands in Georgia, effectively establishing the policy of “Indian removal.” James Monroe: Ordering Andrew Jackson to fight the Seminoles and occupy Florida without Congressional approval. John Quincy Adams: The “corrupt bargain,” in which he made Henry Clay his Secretary of State in exchange for Congress electing him President. Andrew Jackson: Ignoring the Supreme Court’s Worcester v. Georgia ruling and beginning the process of Indian removal. Martin Van Buren: Presiding over the “Trail of Tears.” John Tyler: Pursuing the annexation of Texas, setting up the Mexican-American War. James K. Polk: Starting the Mexican-American War. Millard Fillmore: Signing the Compromise of 1850, which included the infamous Fugitive Slave Act. Abraham Lincoln: Suspending habeas corpus in order to imprison Civil War protesters. Andrew Johnson: Mishandling Reconstruction, allowing most Southern states to pass “Black Codes” and opposing efforts to assist freedmen. Ulysses S. Grant: Presiding over probably the most corrupt administration in American history. Rutherford B. Hayes: Using federal troops to put down the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. Chester A. Arthur: Signing the Chinese Exclusion Act, a ban on Chinese immigration that would last 10 years. Benjamin Harrison: Sending federal troops to disarm the Lakota Sioux in what turned into the Wounded Knee Massacre. William McKinley: Beginning American imperial expansion in the Pacific, annexing Hawaii and the Philippines. Teddy Roosevelt: Issuing the Roosevelt Corollary to justify American military intervention throughout Latin America. Herbert Hoover: Authorizing Mexican Repatriation, a forced removal of Mexican immigrants, in response to the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Ordering the internment of over 100,000 Japanese-Americans during World War II. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Authorizing the CIA’s overthrow of the Iranian government. John F. Kennedy: Authorizing, and then botching, the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba. Lyndon Johnson: Escalating American involvement in Vietnam. Richard Nixon: The secret bombings of Cambodia and Laos. Gerald Ford: Pardoning Richard Nixon.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 00:26:15 +0000

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