Press Release: Laws Governing the Importation of Goods Containing - TopicsExpress


Press Release: Laws Governing the Importation of Goods Containing Ozone Depleting Substances Being Enforced -GRA Officers trained to properly address the issue Tuesday, June 11, 2013, Georgetown: The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) will be intensifying its campaign to ensure importers are in compliance with the restriction placed on the importation of ozone depleting substances in keeping with regulations made under Order No. 19 of 2007 of the Trade Act, Chapter 91:01. A number of importers have been found to be in violation of the order and have been advised of the requirements to avoid future breach. The order limits the amount of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and other ozone depleting substances that can be imported. Therefore, persons desirous of importing these harmful gases or equipment containing same must obtain the required permit. With the aim of doing its part in protecting the Ozone and to ensure that Guyana honors its Treaty obligations under the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol, the GRA in conjunction with the relevant regulatory bodies will enforce compliance. Importers of refrigerants must be register with the National Ozone Action Unit in order to apply for and obtain the necessary permit. Non-compliant importers can have their items seized or be ordered to retrofit their equipment. Where a person is so ordered and fails to retrofit the equipment, such failure will lead to forfeiting or disposing of the equipment or substance being sold. At the beginning of each year, the National Ozone Action Unit (NOAU) sets the total quota of HCFCs that is allowed to be imported for that year. Importers registered with the NOAU, having followed the required procedure, will be issued a permit to import the assigned quantity. Importers are also required to follow labeling standards. Failure to meet each of these requirements constitutes an offence which is punishable under the law. The GRA is once again urging all importers of refrigerants to register with the NOAU and take steps to obtain the required permit to avoid penalties. Additionally, businesses (middlemen) who display brands of equipment containing controlled substances are also urged to ensure that they are in compliance. Customs and Enforcement Officers of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) are tasked with the integral role of monitoring imports to ensure compliance. Hence, they must also ensure that items hazardous to the environment such as Hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are not imported into Guyana above the permitted levels and that all documentary and standard requirements are met. Over the years, several Customs and Enforcement Officers have received training on Ozone Depleting Substances and the procedures used in the fight against their illegal importation. During these trainings, GRA Officers were urged to take precautionary measures during the inspection of refrigerants and air conditioning equipment being imported. In the battle to monitor and reduce the importation of HCFCs, approximately fifty (50) GRA officers have already been trained. Protecting the ozone layer calls for a collective approach, as such the Guyana Revenue Authority will continue to do its part by ensuring Ozone Depleting Substances are not brought into Guyana with out the required permit. The Agency will also seek to ensure that those who are found to be in breach are brought to justice. The GRA remains committed to trade facilitation while doing its part to protect the environment. -END-
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 12:57:39 +0000

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