Press Release NZ Police Corruption Association (NZPCA) is - TopicsExpress


Press Release NZ Police Corruption Association (NZPCA) is calling on members of the Criminal Bar Association to stand up and be counted. For years lawyers working in the criminal jurisdiction have been complaining long and loud about the Independent Police Conduct Authority’s (IPCA) inability or unwillingness to distance itself from police, resulting in numerous deficiencies in their investigation process that inevitably leads them to side with police. Often this occurs in defiance of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. NZPCA believes that the entire structure and “investigative” process followed by the IPCA is flawed. The IPCA’s methodology and personnel is openly biased to favour police. One need only look at the position the IPCA took when asked to investigate multiple and systemic failures in the Teina Pora case. If ever there was a police investigation that needed to be vigorously investigated it is this one. Its entire history smacks of police corruption from enquiry head Rutherford down. Yet the IPCA’s immediate response is refusal and their reasoning behind that is so unsound as to be blatantly protective of police. So where does the Criminal Bar Association (CBA) come in to this? It is all well and good their members complaining about the IPCA’s overt bias toward police and their numerous deficient investigations. NZPCA believes that the time has come for CBA members to pool their collective skills and bring judicial review proceedings against the IPCA. After decades of police bias it is time to finally make the IPCA accountable and lift the veil of secrecy under which they operate, a legacy that advantages only the police and leaves hundreds of dissatisfied and frustrated complainants throughout the country. It is just as well that the IPCA’s performance is not independently audited for in any other regime they would have long ago been brought in to line. Release end
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 12:01:02 +0000

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