Press Release National Campaign on Justice for All in Afghanistan - TopicsExpress


Press Release National Campaign on Justice for All in Afghanistan 2014 Justice in Transition (the position of justice in transition period 2014 to 2024) January 29, 2014 Kabul – Afghanistan With respect and praying for innocent victims of Afghan civilians and in relation with victims of last three and half decades in the country! Since 1357 (solar year) = 1979, Aghanistan has been faces a series of War Crimes, Injustices, and types of violation against humanity. And regretfully it has been continued till now. During these periods, the political power was at the hands of specific groups and there were no chance for democratic movements. After Taliban regime and establishment of the new government in Afghanistan, a new page was opened in history of Afghanistan. Along with political transition, a new hope was created for Afghan citizens in regard to implementation of democracy, rule of law, justice, and sustainable peace in Afghanistan. But, unfortunately continuation of injustice, insecurity, and continuation of war, made the people disappointed. Continuation of immmuity calture, increasing power of human rights violators and criminals in democratic and national organizations, and silence of the government in regard to these violations, made the situation for benefit of human rights violators and warlords. The continuation of such a process can make a big challenge against rule of law, insecurity, event it can affect sustainable peace, good governance, security, self-suffeciency of Afghanistan and international community supports and transition period (2014 to 2024) goals. Taking into consideration, tanistional justice is most needed than before. In order stop the repeatation of injustice, and support sustainable peace in Afghanistan, the organizer of the campaign suggests the following: 1. Afghan Government: - The Afghan govenent is to support the recent achievements; women rights, Afghanistan constitution, justice during its negotions. Forgetting of victims, will result continuation of injustice in Afghanistan. - Taking into consideration that Amnesty and National Reconciliation Law is against constitution of Afghanistan, international commitments and sustainable peace, it should be canceled. The cases of violence against human rights in Afghanistan should be investigated in coordination with AIHRC and the criminals should be introduced to formal justice system. - The Afghan government is responsible to pay attention on protection of proofs of past crimes including mass graves and do not put them to be forget. To respect the victims, the government is to nominate at least a square for victims. - The Afghan government should form a gender balanced commission that include human rights defenders, lawyers, human rights activists, civil society activists, and Islamic schollers for finding the facts of past events, in order to reach for a solution to implement justice and support sustainable peace. 2. AIHRC: - AIHRC is suggested to publish the Conflict Maping Report as soon and the Afghan government should support documentation of crimes that are happened in the past decades. - Taking into consideration to recent events, AIHRC should focus more on its responsibilities and activities and take the needed actions for indentification of human rights violators in order to make aware the people and it can support the people during the election and peace process. 3. SCOs: - CSOs are not to re-act and criticise while CSOs are to work in close coordination with victims and provide an adaptive programs. - The CSOs should be a bridge between government and people should and try to rise the common understanding on transitional justice and other mechanisms; paying attention to voices of victims, bringing the violators on to make excuse at least, addressing the victims problems, and providing awareness and information on trial of war crimes. It can mobilse the people and support transitional justice. - CSOs should take part in sustainable peace process and have its supervision to support rule of law, democracy, and advocacy for humanity values and increase of women rights according to constitution. 4. International Community and Donors: - The international community in dealing with Afghanistan, should observe the international documents of human rights and should not support that peace process which is not stand on human rights values. - The international community should support CSOs and victims survivors communities and do not mis-use the rights of victims in political deals. The donors should take the topics of transitional justice and support of war victims in their priorities. 5. International Forces: - During the armed conflicts against o Opposition groups, the international rules and standards should be observed and avoid from human rights crimes in their conflicts. - The international forces should be trained on rules and regulation of war and avoid attacks on civilian areas. 6. Opposition groups: - It is suggested from Opposition groups to do not use civilian areas for thier strongholds. - It is suggested from Opposition groups to avoid that suicide attacks that results victims of civilians and innocent citizens. - It is suggested from Opposition groups to avoid killing of disarmed people and those people who works for humanitarian aid. - It is also suggested from Opposition groups to avoid mining in the public road and avoid inscuring the civilian areas. 7. Afghan Citizens: - People choose their political leaders, make double their human being responsibilities. If the government is dealing with citizens unfair, the people are to create and launch a campaign of civil societies to prevent it. - In coming eletion, the people are to vote for those who have the needed capabilities, and take the topics of human rights and respect for democracy at the top of his agenda and must not be involved of war crimes, and a violation of human right crimes.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 15:20:02 +0000

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