Press Release No PR221/2014-ISPR Dated: October 18, - TopicsExpress


Press Release No PR221/2014-ISPR Dated: October 18, 2014 Rawalpindi - October 18, 2014: COAS Address On The Occasion of PMA Passing Out Parade 18 Oct 2014 Bismillah Ir Rahman Nir Rahim, Commandant Pakistan Military Academy, Graduating Cadets, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Assalam-O-Alikum Dear Cadets, It is a matter of great honour for me to review this historic passing out parade with a record number of over 1200 passing out cadets including 45 cadets from friendly countries. The immaculate turn out and outstanding drill displayed in today’s parade is reflective of the high standards of Pakistan Military Academy. I congratulate each one of you for successfully completing your training from Pakistan Military Academy which stands out as one of the premier institutions of the world. My special felicitations to the families and the award winners. Indeed, it is a landmark day in your lives and I am proud to be part of the moment. Dear Cadets, The rapidly changing geopolitical environment and globally asserting no-state actors have put Pakistan in the centre stage. In its wake it has brought numerous challenges and opportunities for Pakistan. This has put enormous burden of responsibility and deliverance on Pakistan Army. Shying away from adversities is not in our nature, we have resolved to face these squarely, as this is the surest route to success. Dear Cadets, it is your proud privilege to join Pakistan Army at a time when you can play your part in shaping the course of history. Army is truly a symbol of national unity and hope – thriving on the aspirations of the people of Pakistan. This has given us our character manifested in our professional ethos, courage, unflinching commitment and battle readiness. You are about to embark upon an exciting yet daunting journey. The virtues of honour, integrity and selfless devotion that this prestigious institution has instilled in you will shape and govern every single day of your life. Henceforth, while leading the finest combat soldiers in the world, your personal self would be your last priority. Today, you have taken the sacred oath that whatever may be the cost you would always measure up to the expectations of the devoted people who hold you in high esteem and firmly stand behind you. Ladies and Gentlemen, By the Grace of Allah Almighty, Pakistan Army today is highly experienced and battle hardened. May it be external aggression, internal security, national building tasks or natural calamities such as floods and earthquakes; we have always lived up to the expectations of the nation. Our officers lead from the front. This is our professional culture and proud tradition which is adequately reflected in our fight against terrorism; during which over four thousand officers and men have made the supreme sacrifice. My dear cadets, now the Army reposes trust in you to carry forward this tradition. Ladies and Gentlemen, Zarb-e-Azb is not merely an operation, it is a concept, it is a resolve and a commitment of the nation. The commitment is to cleanse Pakistan of the scourge of terrorism once and for all. Pakistan Army is the cutting-edge of this resolve. A resolve that is currently evident in North Waziristan, where the military Operations are delivering decisive results. Pakistan’s Law Enforcement Agencies aided by Intelligence Agencies are also playing a commendable role in hunting down terrorists and their networks across the country. In view of the successes we are achieving the displaced people of FATA will be able to return to their homes sooner than expected. On their return a new life of peace and prosperity shall Insha Allah take root. Nonetheless, in order to bring about lasting peace in FATA and the country at large, cohesive, dedicated and timely involvement of all stake holders and state institutions is essential. Alhamdolilah, Pakistan Army is fully capable of deterring and defeating aggression across the entire spectrum of threat. Yet, we persistently seek peace in the region and beyond. This quest for peace is our nation’s greatest strength. We desire regional stability and relationship based on equality and mutual respect. Sentiments of goodwill and amity notwithstanding, let there be no doubt that any aggression against our beloved country will get a befitting response and no sacrifice will be too great in this sacred cause. Ladies and Gentlemen, Lasting peace in the region will only come about with the fair and just resolution of Kashmir issue; in accordance with the will of Kashmiri people as enshrined in the UN resolutions. Coercion and repression of the Kashmiri people will never shake their confidence to ultimately exercise their freedom of choice promised by the international community. It is our firm belief that the determination of our Kashmiri brethren and collective conscience of free world will bear fruit and their aspirations will eventually be realized. Ladies and Gentlemen, We sincerely pray that the new political dispensation in Afghanistan brings peace, stability and prosperity to the people of Afghanistan and the region at large. Pakistan Army in its capacity will do all that is necessary to support the Afghan Security Forces in every possible manner. Like all devoted Pakistanis we want our country to prosper and earn its rightful place in the comity of nation, in line with the vision of our great Quaid, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It is a proved fact that the surest way of realizing this dream is through unequivocal commitment to true democratic values and rule of law. We stand for these virtues in letter and spirit and any reservations about our intent are not only misplaced but also detrimental for the country. Dear Cadets, It is my proud privilege to entrust upon you the mantle of junior but very important leadership of Pakistan Army. May Allah Almighty grant you strength and wisdom to serve our country with dignity and honour. May Allah be your guide and protector! Ameen! Pakistan Army Zindabad Pakistan Paindabad -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- COAS General Raheel Shafif, awarding sword of honour to cadet Shazif of 130 PMA L/C at the passing out parade General Raheel Sharif, COAS reviewing passing out parade at Pakistan Military Academy Kakul on Saturday
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:05:28 +0000

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