Press Release USAID’s Ba Distrito Project Presents Analysis - TopicsExpress


Press Release USAID’s Ba Distrito Project Presents Analysis and Recommendations at Ministry of State Administration’s Seminar to Present Results of Research on Law No. 3/2009 on Community Leaders Dili, Timor-Leste (August 14, 2014) – Today, at a seminar hosted by the Ministry of State Administration, Counterpart International presented recent analysis conducted by the Ba Distrito project, which is generously supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The analysis looks at the role of the suku council in effective local governance, the potential impacts of changes to the suku status, and makes recommendations for revisions to the existing law governing community leaders. This seminar is part of an ongoing initiative by the Ministry of State Administration to engage the public in consultation about expected revisions to law governing sucos and their leaders in preparation for the Suku Council elections scheduled to take place in 2015. The research and seminar complements previous consultations done earlier this year by the Ministry of State Administration with civil society organizations, political parties, and academics on the law as well as a recent national level seminar on the same topic that brought together high-level public figures and academics from both Timor-Leste and Indonesia to discuss possible options for defining the status of the suco in Timor-Leste. USAID’s Ba Distrito project participated in each of these consultations, and its recommendations are reflective of promoting a local governance structure that provides for equal and meaningful participation and representation of marginalized groups including women and youth. Ba Distrito’s key recommendations include changes to the electoral system to increase representation and accountability in community leadership, more clearly defined roles for women and youth suku council representatives to encourage more active political participation, and more clearly defined responsibilities of suku and aldeia chiefs to be more reflective of the current reality. Commenting on the importance of the research to the law revision process, Director Dominggos Maniquin from the National Directorate for Planning, Evaluation and External Coordination noted “The Ministry values the feedback that we have received throughout the consultation process and has gathered invaluable information about the perspectives of local communities. Our drafting team will use this information to develop a draft law that appropriately recognizes and defines the suku and its leadership”. Commending the Ministry of State Administration for the efforts it has made to engage with public on revisions to the law, Counterpart International’s Chief of Party for USAID’s Ba Distrito project, Ms Carolyn Tanner stated, “We’re delighted to support the Ministry of State Administration in its revisions to this law and look forward to continuing to work with the Ministry to support strengthened local governance in Timor-Leste”. The event was opened by the Director General for Local Development, Mr. Miguel de Carvalho, and attended by Directors and representatives within the Ministry of State Administration, District Administrators, and Suco Chiefs; the Deputy Provedor, donors; civil society organizations; and academics. A full version of Ba Distrito’s report is available in both Tetum and English on request. Contact: Carolyn Tanner, Chief of Party, Ba Distrito Project, Counterpart International Email: [email protected] Telephone: 331 0189 Check out Ba Distrito’s facebook page for up-to-date information on what we are doing! USAID works with in partnership with the government of Timor-Leste to support broad-based and effective development. Since 2001, USAID has provided over $253 million in development assistance to Timor-Leste, and USAID provided over $12 million to improve the lives of people in Timor-Leste in 2013. USAID supports Timor-Leste in its efforts to build a more prosperous, healthy, and democratic country through programs that foster inclusive and sustainable economic growth, especially in the agriculture sector; improve the health of the Timorese people, particularly women and children; and strengthen the foundations of good governance—all areas which are highlighted in Timor-Leste’s Strategic Development Plan 2013-2030. Counterpart International is a global development organization that empowers people and communities to implement innovative and enduring solutions to social, economic, and environmental challenges. For nearly 50 years, Counterpart has been forging partnerships with communities in need to address complex problems related to economic development, food security and nutrition, and building effective governance and institutions. With a presence in 25 countries, every day Counterpart works in partnership with people and communities worldwide to build sustainable solutions to shared challenges. Learn more at Komunikadu Impresna USAID nia Projetu Ba Distrito Apresenta Analiza no Rekomendasaun ba Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal nia Seminariu atu Apresenta Rezultadu Peskiza ba Lei No. 3/2009 Kona-ba Lideransa Komunitaria Dili, Timor-Leste (14 Agosto 2014) – Ohin, iha seminariu ne’ebé realiza husi Ministériu Administrasaun Estatal, Counterpart Internasionál apresenta analiza ikus ne’ebé halo husi projetu Ba Distrito, ne’ebé suportu ho jenerosu husi povu Amerikanu liu husi Agensia Dezenvolvimentu Internasionál Estadus Unidus (USAID). Analiza ida ne’e hare liu ba iha knar konsellu suku iha governasaun lokál ne’ebé efetivu, impaktu potensiál ba mudansa sira iha statutu suku, no halo rekomendasaun ba revisaun lei lideransa komunitaria ne’ebé existe agora dadauk nee. Seminariu ida ne’e hanesan parte ida husi inisiativa Ministériu Administrasaun Estatal nian atu halibur publiku iha konsultasaun konaba ekspektasaun ba revisaun lei atu governa suku no lideransa suku nian ba preparasaun eleisaun konsellu suku ne’ebé tuir planu atu hala’o iha 2015. Peskiza no seminariu ida ne’e komplementa konsultasaun sira ne’ebé halao tiha ona iha inisiu tinan ida ne’e ne’ebé realiza husi Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal hamutuk ho organisasaun sosiedade sivil, partidu politiku no akademiku sira kona ba ba lei nunee mós iha seminariu nivel nasionál ne’ebé foin dadauk realiza ho topiku ne’ebé hanesan hodi halibur hamutuk entidades no intelektuais ou akademiku husi nasaun rua: Timor-Leste no Indonesia atu diskuti opsaun ne’ebé posivel hodi defini statutu suku iha Timor-Leste. USAID nia projetu Ba Distrito partisipa iha konsultasaun sira ne’ebé mensiona iha leten no nia rekomendasaun sira refleta ba promove strutura governu lokál ne’ebé fornese ba partisipasaun no representasaun ne’ebé valór tebes no igual ba grupu sira ne’ebé marginalizadu inklui feto no juventude sira. Ba Distrito nia rekomendasaun xave inklui mudansa ba sistema eleisaun atu hasae representasaun no akuntabilidade iha lideransa komunitaria; difini klaru liu tan knar ba representatnte feto no juventude iha konsellu suku atu enkoraja hodi ativu liu tan iha partisipasaun politika; no define klaru liu tan responsiblidade sira ba xefe suku no xefe aldeia atu refleta liu tan ba iha realidade agora dadaun no regula sira nia knar hodi responde ba violensia domestika iha sira nia sosiedade. Komentariu ba iha importansia husi peskiza konaba prosesu revisaun lei, Diretór Dominggos Maniquin husi Nationál Direisaun ba Planamentu, Avaliasaun no Koopersaun Externa akresenta katak “Ministériu valoriza parecer ne’ebé ami simu liu husi prosesu konsultasaun no halibur ona informasaun sira ne’ebé valór tebes kona ba perspektiva komunidade lokál. Ami nia ekipa legál sei uza informasaun sira ne’e atu dezenvolve esbosu lei ida ne’ebé apropriadu atu rekonhese no defini suku no lideransa sira.” Atu fo parabens be Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal nia esforsu ne’ebé halo ona hodi halibur hanoin publiku ba revisaun lei, Directora Counterpart Internasional ba USAID nia projetu Ba Distrito, Sra. Carolyn Tanner hateten “Ami kontente atu suporta Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal atu halo revisaun ba lei no kontinua servisu ho Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal atu suporta haforsa governu lokal in Timor-Leste.” Eventu ida ne’e loke husi Diretór Gerál husi Diresaun Nasionál Dezenvolvementu Nasionál, Sr. Miguel de Carvalho no attende ba Diretór sira no officias husi Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal, Administrador Distritu, no Xefe Suku sira; Adjuntu Provedor; doadores; organizasaun internasionál no organizasaun sosiedade sivil no akademiku sira. Versaun kompletu relatoriu Ba Distrito iha Tetum no Inglese. Kontaktu: Carolyn Tanner, Xefe Ekipa, Projetu Ba Distrito, Counterpart International Email: [email protected] Telefone: 331 0189 Haree ba Ba Distrito nia pagina Facebook atu hetan informasaun kona ba saida mak Ba Distrito halo! Governu Estadus Unidus Amerikanu liu husi USAID, servisu hamutuk ho governu Timor-Leste atu suporta dezenvolvimentu ne’ebé luan no efektivu. Dezde 2001, USAID fornese ona US$ millaun 253 resin tuir asistensia dezenvolvimentu ba Timor-Leste, no USAID fornese US$ millaun 12 resin ona atu hadia vida povu Timor-Leste iha tinan 2013. USAID suporta Timor-Leste iha ninia esforsu atu hari’i nasaun ida ne’ebé prósperu, saudavel no demokrátiku liu tan liu husi programa sira ne’ebé haforsa kresimentu ekonómiku inkluzivu no sustentavel, éspesialmente setor agrikultura; hadia saude ema Timor, partikularmente feto no labarik; no hametin aliserse boa governasaun – area hotu ne’ebé realiza iha Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional Timor-Leste 2013 – 2030. Counterpart Internasional maka organizasaun dezenvolvimentu global ne’ebé haforsa ema no komunidade atu implementa solusaun ne’ebé inovativu no di’ak ba dezafiu sosial, ekonomia no ambiente. Besik tinan 50, Counterpart halo parseiru ho komunidade hodi rezolve nesesidade ba problema ne’ebé kompleksu relasiona ho dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku, seguransa ai han no nutrisaun, no hari governasaun no instituisaun ne’ebé efetivu. Ho prezensa Counterpart iha nasaun hamutuk 25, loron-loron Counterpart servisu hamutuk ho ema iha mundu tomak atu estabelese solusaun ne’ebé sustantavel atu fahe dezafiu ne’ebé iha. Ba informasaun liu tan vizita ami nia website:
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 16:13:51 +0000

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