Press Release on the Current situation of the Constitutional - TopicsExpress


Press Release on the Current situation of the Constitutional Amendment Bill. Good day brothers and sisters of Trinidad and Tobago. As we say coloaciauly Here is the REAL deal. I oppose the RUN OFF amendment for MANY reasons previously stated. It should NOT be passed. However, The reason is most important. We must be objective and try to be fair. I take the time to listen to the arguments on both sides. I then do independent research. You must think and then decide. The main Positives I am hearing advanced is that it is more democratic and representative and that it will force both Traditional Parities to practice coalition politics. The PNM under Mr Manning used to lobby with many groups outside the PNM like the labour Movement, PSA etc, the East Indian muslim and also with other african groups like the Jamaat Al Muslimeen. This was their key to government. The attitude of Win alone lose alone wont work in 2015 especially if there is run off. So lobbying and inclusion is and has always been an essential part of politics. However, in a coalition forced by run off how are the promises and inducements made from parties to others going to be legally binding? After quick 15 day alliances for the sake of meeting the 50% requirement, what will hold ad hoc institutions to the power sharing promised? Indeed we have seen many times how the PNM and UNC have gone back on their words and their promises to the people and groups, be they written or unwritten. We need to think this out carefully. Will the two main parties really need to lobby as hard when the electorate feels that their vote for other parties will not count much or that in the run off process they will have to choose one of the two or decrease the electorate by not voting ? How is that more democratic and how does that bring about greater representation when less people vote or feel like they have less choice? How is it more democratic when a citizen is left to feel that expressing his desire for an alternative party was dismissed because he has to vote again without that option being presented to him? The Pnm will lose in theory once ethnic, inducement by financial benefit voting takes place . Thats the PPs plan ! Quite diabolical, it forces those who split the vote to stay out or join the PNM or UNC in the run off and guess who is supposedly more accommodating (UNC). Guess who has the Government power to induce currently (UNC). Guess who normally loses only because of the split in votes (UNC). Guess who seems to vote in a strong tribal fashion more (UNC). Guess which constituencies have high voter turn outs and overwhelming wins (UNC). Guess who never gets majority MPs in the marginal seats (PNM). The COP in theory can run alone and where in marginals they split the vote and create a run off they can just re-join with the UNC and get some of the spoils of government. They seem to have lost the ideological belief in new politics and being an alternative. Apparently to many in that party the benefits of public office are too sweet to retain integrity. Maybe we should Ask Anil why many COP are almost more UNC than UNC. Maybe we should ask the Pastor Mp Mr Samuel why God made him abstain, we should really study why Mr. Dookeran and Mrs Bachan voted against the bill. Too many of us are bought and sold by benefits. So we live in eat a food country. Its important to eat I agree but how sick and materialistic and selfish we are becoming eating this corrupt poison. The politician has us all on life support, we cant breathe, think, move without their sustenance. No empowerment just dependency. Its all nasty divisive, polarizing politics practiced by both the UNC and the PNM at times. Laws are being created for Party benefits not for democratic benefits to the people! BUT you guys know the PP they always do it BIG and BOLD, how bold they STEAL as well. How BOLD they are in being UNFAIR in the distribution of resources in our country. They have brought BIG legislation ! This has caused a BIG stir. This Big legislation was not expressed in consultations and there is no mandate to make such a fundamental change. Maybe the PP should go to the poles for this issue. Maybe a referendum process should be established for the people to decide. So the ball is in the Peoples court tell me and our other lousy leaders what should be done. I will push the peoples position. But then again who are the people, when we are so divided? They, the PNM and UNC and others respectively will push their position! MPs should be taught that regardless of percentage of the vote or party when they get into office they need to look after the needs of ALL in their constituency who voted for them and who didnt, fairly! T&T needs leaders to represent the whole of T&T fairly. Who think about uniting T&T satisfying the needs of all not the selfish greedy desires of a few. End racism! End tribalism! End ignorance, End corruption and we will end Exploitative Politics. The people the majority dont benefit from the current political system nor will they benefit from these changes. We need Real Constitutional Reform and more importantly we need Cultural Reform in our politics ! I appeal for a stop to the current legislation but a continuation of consultation and ideas being expressed on alternative changes which I think we need. We are yet to see Good leadership! Just look around at our rich, uncivilized, third world country. WE are destroying our country. Soon kids will tell kids on San Fernando hill move your coolie self off the slide and the response will be nigger boy go back to Port Of Spain. That may be Sats desire but is that the T&T we want ? In general the PNM cant unite T&T and the UNC cant unite T&T so in any event when the choice comes vote for a better future something NEW. A new generation is rising, people power will rise and great will be the people of T&T united in equality and justice. That must be our hope. That must be our goal! God help this blessed nation. Love and Peace to all our people! Fuad Abu Bakr LLB Trinbagonian Citizen.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 17:32:23 +0000

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