Press Release on the Increase of Fuel Prices in Cameroon The - TopicsExpress


Press Release on the Increase of Fuel Prices in Cameroon The Cameroon Peoples Party, joins the overwhelming majority of Cameroonians to say NO! to higher fuel prices and to demand the withdrawal of this measure without delay to allow: • A true overhaul of the system of fuel supply in Cameroon. • Comprehensive and sustainable measures to preserve the purchasing power of Cameroonians • The opening of negotiations between the Government and the various civil society and political forces of the Nation There are several reasons for this position: These measures are inappropriate in the current social context • This measure is implemented in a social and economic context characterized by slow economic growth and difficulties of all types being faced by Cameroonians, most of whom operate in the informal sector and are underemployed. Nearly 40% of the population still lives on less than 736 francs per day, 65% of Cameroonians do not have access to electricity, 56.1% have no access to water, 75% are in a situation of underemployment, etc.. These statistics clearly illustrate the situation, needs and priorities of Cameroonians at this time. The Government’s approach is scandalous and unacceptable • First, this is a show of force by the government against the people, as it first announces what it has decided and only after that, begins negotiations on the consequences of its decisions with the Cameroonian people • Second, the measures reducing the purchasing power of Cameroonians have been implemented with immediate effect while negotiations on accompanying measures are being discussed in a very imprecise horizon. • Third, the fact that this decision that greatly impacts the day-to-day lives of Cameroonians has been taken without consulting Parliament, which represents the people, whereas Parliament was convened for a month, just days prior to this decision and seemed to spend their time twiddling their thumbs. • Fourth, we cannot ignore the fact the government has violated the Finance Law, passed through Parliament with a mere communique signed by the Secretary General of the Prime Ministry who is not mandated to either take or sign such a decision. Serious consequences for Cameroonians • These price hikes will most certainly have negative consequences at both economic and social levels. As an example, prices in urban and interurban transport will increase and thereby cause a general increase in consumer products. This will undoubtedly lead to a decline in the purchasing power of Cameroonians who are already struggling to make ends meet. • There are other uncontrollable effects induced by the present Government measures. For example, the taxi fare set at 175 CFA francs by the authorities but practiced at 200 F has already moved to 300 F in major urban centers. • This price hike will increase the price differential for oil products with our Nigerian neighbor who recently failed in its own attempt to remove fuel subsidies. This increased gap will undoubtedly increase the traffic of smuggled fuel (Zoa Zoa) and consequently border insecurity, at a time when our armed forces are struggling against armed groups from Nigeria. Expectations on important issues remain unmet • Cameroonians are still waiting for a coherent, effective and appropriate economic strategy to accelerate growth. The government announced a contingency plan a few months back which has neither been validated nor implemented. While Cameroonians are waiting for strategies to resolve energy deficits, infrastructure investment, an improved business environment and much better performance on the public investment budget, we have instead been hit with a price hike in fuel that will negatively affect this economy. • Cameroonians are shocked by the opacity that characterizes the management of oil and mineral resources in Cameroon. So far, we have no clear information on the operation and management of our petroleum resources in particular and on mineral resources in general. This lack of transparency is clearly not acceptable, particularly at a time when the government is expecting the average citizen to make huge sacrifices. With all the above, the CPP strongly calls for the following: • The simple withdrawal of the measure on the price increase on petroleum products whose consequences will be damaging to the economy and the people of Cameroon. • Opening a round of negotiations between the Government and the various political and civil society actors. These negotiations will aim to consider all options for the sustainable management of the provision of fuel to the Cameroonian population. They will require a total overhaul of the system to find long-term solutions. A much more active and effective fight against corruption and the mismanagement of public expenditure. If sacrifices must be made, they must be preceded by the establishment of a more rational and optimal management of public resources (fight against misappropriation, tax evasion, additional costs, etc.). If sacrifices must be made, ministers and high commissioners of the State must begin by setting the example. The CPP calls all other political and civil society actors of Cameroon, to mobilize and put a stop to this latest manifestation of contempt by the Government with respect to the fundamental interests of the Cameroonian people. It is most urgent to mobilize and articulate our disagreement vis-à-vis this measure. We must: • Constitute groups to protest against the handling of the situation; • Support all initiatives taken to enforce our rights and interests as Cameroonians. In the interest of the Cameroonian People, CPP calls on all progressive political forces to work together to defeat this latest assault on our rights by the Government. In this regard, the CPP reserves the right to take every action on the legal and political fronts for the withdrawal of this measure which is illegal because it does not comply with the 2014 Law on Finance and is signed by and individual who does not have the right to do so, thereby disrespecting the basic tenets of the governance of a republic. Kah Walla National President CPP
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 21:15:31 +0000

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