Press Statement Credible candidates abound in PDP-Iyiola - TopicsExpress


Press Statement Credible candidates abound in PDP-Iyiola Omisore The attention of Senator Iyiola Omisore Campaign Organisation has been drawn to a comment from the Spokesperson of the Osun State chapter of the Action Congress of Nigeria, accusing the ruling People’s Democratic Party of running a campaign based on falsehood due to lack of credible candidate to challenge Governor Rauf Aregbesola in the 2014 race. We would not have reacted but we noticed the penchant of the state government to always twist facts, engage in blame game and misrepresent the true state of its inability to deliver on electoral promises despite plunging the state into deep unsustainable debt. We want to serve notice on the governor that the PDP has highly qualified aspirants including Iyiola Omisore with impeccable pedigree to flush him out of office next year. Still on credibility, the governor is yet to apologise to the state for lying that he is an engineer. In the records of the Council for Registration of Engineers [COREN], the governor`s name is missing. We challenge him to mention his COREN`s number? Still on credibility, the governor is yet to apologise to our people for plunging the state into debt trap. Worst still he takes the people for a ride by hiding the debt level despite pressure. The A C N is running the state on deceit and propaganda and details of this are provided. It is on record that three years after, the state government is yet to complete any major projects from roads to the education sector. Citizens of the state are not unaware that the only project so far commissioned by the governor was the Olakoju Park which ordinarily falls under local government responsibility. The second project was the Oponimo tablet which is turning out to be a monumental fraud. Up till now, only four schools have gotten the tablet and we now know it was the son of the governor who handled the project in breach of the constitution. As if to prove us right, even the National Leader of the A C N,Senator Bola Tinubu confirmed the involvement of Kabiru,the governor`s son in the fashioning and implementation of the project. May be the governor is not aware of explicit provisions of the constitution which prohibit using public office to favour you family. Aside from that, the state is yet to be told the cost of the contract, the company that handled the job, the cost per copy of the tablet and what process led to the award to the said company. We suspect that Senator Tinubu must have been surprised with the level of involvement of Kabiru, hence his deliberate mentioning of the matter at the launching. The issue of appropriateness of the tablet in schools will soon be tested out and Nigerians will see the result. The A C N chief also accused the PDP of lying. Let us ask the following questions so that the nation will know who is lying. What is the debt profile of the state? Our records showed that it has reached three hundred billion naira. The governor said we lied but up till today he could not tell the state the debt profile. Is that propaganda? Just yesterday, the governor of Oyo state Abiola Ajumobi announced that the state has not borrowed a kobo since he took over.Ajumobi has commissioned projects without borrowing. Osun borrowed so much; yet the governor is afraid of telling the state our debt profile and; nothing is on ground to justify such huge borrowing despite billions of naira from federation allocations. What we have is O-Lie,O-Deceit-thieving. Is this propaganda? We want to use this opportunity to tell the state governor that no amount of propaganda, blackmail and favour-currying will save him from defeat next year. Osun people have seen him for what he is-a governor without capacity to deliver and a governor who believe so much in lying as an art of governance. Signed Victor Oriola, Media Adviser
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 17:24:52 +0000

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