Press Statement by MCA Publicity Bureau chairman Datuk Heng Seai - TopicsExpress


Press Statement by MCA Publicity Bureau chairman Datuk Heng Seai Kie in reply to the Home Ministry I am truly surprise with the reply by both the Home Minister Dato’ Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and his deputy Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi. As leaders, we must always mark our words as they will be constantly monitored and assessed by the public. It was reported in The Malaysian Insider that they had both given the excuse that the two terrorists responsible for a string of bombings in Indonesia between 2002 and 2005 could be buried in Malaysia because they did not kill our military and police. By this statement, it could be easily misinterpreted and misconstrued by the rakyat that both of them feel that “it is ok to kill innocent people of other counties as long as they are not Malaysians”. Worse, it might also send out a wrong message to the world that we endorse terrorism as long as the killing is not done here and they are not targeting at our military or police force. Besides that, in retaliation to mine and other MCA leaders, Wan Junaidi was also reported to have said that “MCA is free to voice its opinions, but the government makes the decision in the end.” By this, is Wan Junaidi trying to say that MCA is not a part of BN which is the current ruling government?” In fact, it was this kind of attitude by leaders like Wan Junaidi which had angered and driven away many of our BN supporters in the past GE13. Thus, I strongly urge all our BN leaders to be more wary about what they say lest it will tarnish the image of the government. Although I personally do not agree with communism and neither with what they did in the past ; but with reference to the Hadyai Peace Accord and based on humanitarian grounds, I would like to once again urge the government to review its decision in allowing Chin Peng’s ashes to be buried in Malaysia, as a sign of forgiveness and goodwill to his family, as well as a sign of compassion in fulfilling the last will of an old man. Let us put aside the past and move forward with the spirit of forgive and forget ,as well as inclusiveness for all under 1Malaysia. Datuk Heng Seai Kie MCA Publicity Bureau chairman MCA Deputy National Organising Secretary LL
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 09:47:05 +0000

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