Pressie time again what a lucky kitty I am oops we are. Mol. - TopicsExpress


Pressie time again what a lucky kitty I am oops we are. Mol. Before I tell you about what was in the other envelope from aunt Mel I have much more exciting news. This could take two days to tell you because I want you to get the full picture. A long flat box arrived today and in side was a baby stroller. Must be for aunt mels watermelon baby which is coming soon. But it wasnt it was a kitty pressie. Mummy and aunt Sony opened the box and my brain went into box mode Box box box a new box I couldnt wait to climb inside .It was an exciting box with only the top end opening all dark and scary Mol. It got really scary when mummy picked up the box and shook me out like a rat in a flour bag. Feeling very ruffled and not a little put out. I allowed mummy to pick me up so she could say sorry. Sorry my paw huh she put me into what looked like a new blue kitty bed. Not bed time at all so I didnt stop to look just jumped out and ran back to my beloved new box Wotsit however jumped in herself right straight off and curled up and went to sleep. Hey I thought maybe I should take another look. So I walked slowly around it smelling every inch. As I turned the first corner wot sits paw appeared from no where and bonked me on the head I looked up and it was gone. Where was she..... I walked around the other side and she was right there in front of me. I could see her but every time I tried to smack her my paw hit something in front of her . I know what a mirror is this wasnt a mirror. The same windows were all the way around but unlike house windows the seemed shut but open at the same time. I was puzzled and stepped back one small jump for curiously one giant leap for cat kind. Well I managed the small and I mean small jump for me. We all know how high beggars can jump or at least how high stories say they can jump puff ft fairy tails ask me I am a bengal and I cant jump. Then I saw a the be bed thing was next to the dining table and being a smart cat I made my way to the top of the table. Sure enough I could see wot sit curled up in the new bed going to blissful sleep. The cheek of her I never said I didnt want it I merely indicated that at that moment in time the box had to be explored. I jumped lightly down its easy to jump down... amy crawled under the curtain to see what the bed was like now I can be selfish but all males are ( Its our given right to Be ) wot sit was not amused at the intrusion at all there was a wild singing in side both of my ears and my eyes burned. She hit me Wotsit actually hit me. Now I was not amused I jumped on top of her and bit her ears hard. Sensing she had started the fight and mum wasnt going to help her she left in a hurry . But nope the bed still held no fascination for me so I jumped out and back to doing what I had been doing before. Playing in the box then things began to get really really funny as mummy decided puttin the wheels on would be a breeze please go to the hoo man litter box before reading tomorrow sigh I do love my mummy really but oh sometimes... Nji
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:16:57 +0000

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