Pretoria North West Region thanksgiving Day: One By: Thomas - TopicsExpress


Pretoria North West Region thanksgiving Day: One By: Thomas Mwelase You will help me edit, some you leave comments and add more what they Father spoke so that all of us can be in the same boat! District Apostle Gama took the mic and started preaching/teaching Father said once you don’t contribute tithe it means you are a thief. He kept on saying the script in Psalm that says I will bless my people with peace and not with Love{Psalm 29 verse 11}. In this state that’s where most people paid attention to what was being said by God at that time. Children of God are blessed with love and the people of God with peace. In malachi 3 it talks about that “Niyangipha” ngoba nisukile kim, it puts this very bad and say niyangipha, in other words words you are a rober I will bless my people with peace and I will bless my children with love. Among us there are people of God and the children of God, we see the people of God with peace but we see the children of God with love, for God is love. All those that accepted they have love, they are love themselves, the problem was the third that came to do his will his own creation, the creation of the devil. When it came to the Garden of Eden it first ask what did God say to you, like the officer when they want to Gossip they first ask where was the scripture reading this time and then check what place they didn’t understand, then at that point they start gossiping the serpent ask what did God say to you? They replied and said he said we can eat everything but not the tree in the middle, for will die and die, hence our Lord says come back to me so that I can come back to you, everybody who doesn’t contribute tithe doesn’t have God. Let me tell you this, what is a tithe? Inkunzi. God wants this 10% from you. When you don’t contribute tithe you delay yourself and the congregation. When you contribute tithe you are protected! There were many things that Apostle Gama said he was too quick Apostle DA A. Nongqunga I thank the opportunity that I have been given by my Father, we have problem peaching about tithe, its hurts so much for walking with people that don’t have God, thinking that they are in God, if we don’t contribute tithe to the House of the Lord then we don’t have God, you have left me. To leave God, you leave God while you are in here in church by not contributing the tithe and offering, you can be present here and do all the works of power, if you don’t pay tithe and don’t offer it means that you don’t have God or God is not within you! We are to invite you to stay in God by contributing tithe and offering for so doing, God will be in us and God shall be in us, I am passing that one. A miracle happen in the garden of Eden, God commands Adam that you can eat everything in the Garden and that was very nice in Adam, God was preparing before his enemies and everything was pleasing, God was troubled when Adam was moving around in the Garden of Adam, and see that Adam was lonely and he made him his partner and that partner was Even and this other day a serpent came, in Even, it came through Eve, what did God say to you? That we can eat everything in this Garden but not the tree in the middle! The serpent said that God doesn’t want you to know other things once you eat from that tree you shall know everything! And Eve started to eat after she ate Adam. God created Eve to entertain Adam. They were instructed not to eat the tree after they ate the tree then Adam died and died wafa nokufa. This part of death is not the flesh death but a person can die while being alive, do the things that are not acceptable amoung the people, that person is dead and his God is dead in him. A person can die while alive, come back to me so that I can come back to you. Father told the story of the woman in Jesus time when he took the penny from the elderly woman. When you get in the church of the Apostles whatever money you get you must contribute tithe! At this point DA said please God help me speak the truth you see now we have the thanksgiving and contributed offering so that this work can be a success and this work is wonderful for you gave offering but then you must also tithe, you first start with tithe! Bring the tithe and the offering, go along with time, don’t be like a car that doesn’t have timing, that goes to and fro, the car that is mis firing bring the tithe and and and and and and and and and and he was like nee nee nee nee nee nee nee minikelo , when you have offered offering it doesn’t mean you have offered tithing, you must do them both, you are like the car that is misfiring. When you offer tithe uzenzela wena. He kept on saying I am sorry to speak the truth, the tithing are not being eaten by any oversee, nor the Apostles, but sidliwa only by an Apostle and there only one Apostle and that is our father we are his messenger. The one dwelling in the House of the Lord The serpent is Jealousy, because this serpent is the first person that people shouldn’t keep the commandment of God and it is deceived the people of God, the serpent came to make people his own and to born them again. People are born again by the serpent and we see this born agains by their action of the serpent, we shouldn’t allow to be born again by the snake. A certain man was sent by God who was sent to baptize people and that man was John the Baptist, he was baptizing them for forgiving of sins and repentance of sin, this was Gods plan, when John says to them “Hey you offspring of the serpent”, this means that by that time people where born again by the serpent and Gods plan was to make them repent. When you don’t offer you are filled with Jealousy like the Adam and Eve , you are sick you don’t get well, you don’t have a job is cause you don’t offer tithing! The people who are blessed are those that have God in them for they hear the Word of God, for these people are blessed infront you! The very same people you know its cause they are in God and God is with them, you are the same as the man who was in the well, he says I see them coming in and out noon and dawn coming out being healed, the messager of God ask why don’t you enter the house! He says I have no one to get me ther, he says enter in te well enter in the well, how do you enter in the well, through contributing tith and offering. You now ask yourself how? Cause I am not working what must I do? Well let me tell you this, if you goto Zim there in no grant for old people, S.A is a rich nation stop making it the poorest nation please, goto Mozambique there is no grant in SA there is, you will even see that Young ladies when you give birth they are given grant so please stop making SA the poorest country, contribute tithe and offering. Give what belongs to God to God! There is only one messager of God who was, who is, given the keys of hades, and heaven. Stay in the teachings of the Apostles, God doesn’t love a person more than his commandment. To stay in God is not to go to Beacon Bay and bribe our Father and talk about how our Father loves me, God(Chief Apostle) loves us all! No this man loves all of us, where ever you are he loves you, he doesn’t have favourites, because we have his Spirit and the Holy Spirit and he commissions us as Apostles to lay hands upon you and you receive the Holy Spirit that is from him, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey this guy loves us, even you staying in the shack, just keep his commandment how? By offering and tithe. Even his Dogs at Beacon Bay wont bite you because they smell the same Spirit! Chief Apostle C Nongqunga You will never please God when you don’t have faith. Faith is the way to please God. It is the assurance of the things that are hoped for! God is giving you an assurance that when you offer tithing and offering he surely will be with you, it is also the evident of things that cannot be seen, when you bring tithe and offering you are giving the evidence of the Love that couldn’t be seen in you! Tithe and offering are the evident of the love you have in you! When you offer and tithe then you have love! Cause that the work of love! Without love you cant please God! Faith is love that you use to please God, when you talk about the presence of God you talk about offering and tithe and you in the presence of God! If you don’t offer tithing and offerings then you are not in the presence of God and therefore you cannot please God! That simply means you don’t have Faith when you don’t offer and tithe, we walk by Faith then you please God, therefore you don’t walk according to Faith, you walk by site if you don’t offer and tithe, with these few words, God will bless you and give you everything you want when coming here. Some of the words I didn’t include them and some I couldn’t capture them. The service ended like this and The Assurance brothers and sister we need to offer to God so that God can come back to us! The chief Apostle loves us and he doesn’t love his people more than his commandment, tithing is not really a commandment it is a must do Brother: Thomas tom-tom Mwelase(Mabuza)
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 21:02:34 +0000

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