Pretty Girls In Bikinis & Facebook Ads... Watch the video below - TopicsExpress


Pretty Girls In Bikinis & Facebook Ads... Watch the video below for a quick FB ads lesson... Key takeaways from the video and how you can apply this in your FB Ads 1) Ad Image & Copy Congruence is important. Strong click bait images will get the click but not the conversion (unless you can tie the image into the ad itself and make it relevant). Although the point of the ad is to get the Click, CTRs are NOT your LPI. Conversions are (esp sales). Dont get lost in the wrong metrics. Clicks dont always mean conversions. 2) Ad to Landing Page Congruence. As mentioned in my recent article ( your brain needs a consistent / congruent experience when going though a process, otherwise itll abandon ship. Images, colors, copy on your lander should be a continuation of what was experienced on the ad. 3) Make sure your lander works properly. More specifically, optimize your lander to have the highest lead capture possible. I would recommend following some of the principles in this article ( to make it work! Got it? Now go out and execute! ;) https://vimeo/108048521
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 14:51:09 +0000

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