Pretty boring Raw...EXCEPT THE DAMN MAIN EVENT! xD Randy brag - TopicsExpress


Pretty boring Raw...EXCEPT THE DAMN MAIN EVENT! xD Randy brag about being the champ, then the Authority ( meanwhile,Cm Punk chants ahah xD) tell him to calm down. Announced that hell face every single one of his opponents before the chamber(HHH doing the YES! chant!!! Please, Daniel as the new face of the WWE xD) so this week is......DANIEL BRYAN!YES!YES!YES! The Shield vs Rey Misterio, Kofi Kingston and Big E Langston = The Shield win, after the match Wyatts promo, theyll kick ass in the Elimination Chamber against the Shield King shut down Bad News Barrett xD Christian vs Jack Swagger = Christian, YEAH! xD Guest star next week: Betty White ahahahah xD New Age Outlaws vs Goldust and Cody Rhodes in a Steel Cage Match for the Tag team Champs = More CM PUNK and WE WANT PUNK chants ahahah xD Anyway, CODY SICK MOONSAULT FROM THE TOP xD But youre not Jeff Hardy, so NAO won xD Zack Ryder vs Titus oNeil = Cant even remember last time ive seen Zack xD After 100 Cm Punk chants, Titus won.......damnit Zack xD Fandango vs..... But first the Black History Month xD .....SANTINO MARELLA! Yeah hes still alive xD He make fun of Fandango, then call EMMA! Time for the EMMALUTION ahah xD Then everyone dance and i dont know what the f**k am i watching xD SHEAMUS vs Curtis Axel (with Ryback) = Goldberg and CM Punk chants all the way xD Pretty boring match, and Sheamus won xD Commercial of the new Shawn Michael Dvd (maybe ill buy it.....but first Brock Lesnar xD) Batista and Del Rio discuss, the Del Rio attack him.....the he run away after a kick ahah xD Mark Henry will return next week xD Dolph Ziggler, Xavier Woods and R-Truth (this guy totally deserve a pushxD WHATS UP! xD) vs The Wyatts = DAMN! I was ready for a super awesome match....and the Wyatts won in 2 minutes xD Then Shield promo xD Always loved heel vs heel feuds xD Diva n s**t xD Just loved when one of them used a Tajiri move (and AJ commentary was actually pretty funny xD) THis friday, announced Randy Orton vs Christian DANIEL BRYAN (YES!YES!YES!YES!) vs Randy Orton = Cm Punk, Daniel Bryan, YES! and even JBL! chants fill the damn arena.....and Randy mocking the crowd was hilarious xD And Randy biting Daniel knee ahah xD And Randy throwed against Cole, jesus xD Anyway, EPIC MATCH, and super long xD Daniel does like 7-8 different submissions in 5 minutes, love his style xD Then Kane comes and Daniel kick him too xD Then almost RKO but Daniel reverse and RUNNING KNEE! 1 2 3 YES! YES! YES! Then some bulls**t Kane and Randy kick him and end......what a lame ending but YES! HE WON! YES!YES! xD
Posted on: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 04:12:53 +0000

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