Pretty sad just because someone disagrees with you that you stop - TopicsExpress


Pretty sad just because someone disagrees with you that you stop them from posting. Kind of reminds me of something a liberal would do. Here is my intended post before i knew you were like that. Gary Hoskins Well i have to disagree. He is far more than a mouth piece. He has taken to many actions to be merely a mouth piece. I have never said that there are not powers working to destroy us. That said though ,all the people you mentioned ,Obama,Kerry ,Rice,etc,are in my opinion not even close to puppets. They are willing enemies of America,just as much as any outside or within America. I am speaking for me and me alone when i say that i feel calling them puppets takes something away from the severity of their roles ,their guilt. There actions against us are completely voluntary and they deserve hanging,one and all. That said ,thanks for your response to my post. I agree with all you said except i think i feel differently than many on their roles and the intended voluntary treasonist acts they are taking. I only wish we organized sooner to TAKE it back. My fear is elections at this point could end up not even being close enough to help. If we win the Senate,if we keep the House,will it make enough of a difference? We have watched as one Rino after another appears,and clear as day see that all the so called democrats walk lock step with Obama. Guess it is a wait and see matter now. I wish i had the means,the access needed to get close enough to get something done that matters,regardless the cost to me, but i dont,sadly. Again thanks ,and have a nice day. Above is a comment to a Post on Diane Maries page. Her post was concerning the fact that there are other forces beside Obama and his administration at work in destroying our country. I simply stated that i dont believe in calling them puppets because they are willingly ,voluntarily doing these treasonist acts.It was deleted after my initial post which can be seen on her page. This is her response sent to me after i blocked her. Sent from one of her friends to me. This is from diane, whom you blocked. I am sharing for her. _______________________This is from diane, whom you blocked. I am sharing for her. ______________________________________________ Gary, first of all, get on a grip on your misplaced anger. Youre unreasonable and no one wants to be your whipping dog. Theyre ALL freakin enemies..... and for some reason, youre not getting the greater point nor listening to anything said!! Dont you think we ALL know theyre all menacing traitors? Disagree all you want, but Obama is protected by all the people he appointed to cover his ass.... this is why he is not challenged or tried for treason. Everyone is sleeping with him. Good grief, its one thing to banter and tolerate the foolhardy diatribe from the democrats, I have no time NOR desire to banter with someone I thought was a friend and thus became snarky bc youre dang frustrated with the status quo of the the Country. Well, Gary, youre not the only one. I came to you privately to share the comments and all you have done is attack me. your attitude is less than rational or mature. stay off peoples timelines to vent...... Use your own page. I have never abused your home page with my rants. Arguing w/ folks in-house is time not well spent. Stop fighting the people who are united in fighting the enemy._______________________ Gary, first of all, get on a grip on your misplaced anger. Youre unreasonable and no one wants to be your whipping dog. Theyre ALL freakin enemies..... and for some reason, youre not getting the greater point nor listening to anything said!! Dont you think we ALL know theyre all menacing traitors? Disagree all you want, but Obama is protected by all the people he appointed to cover his ass.... this is why he is not challenged or tried for treason. Everyone is sleeping with him. Good grief, its one thing to banter and tolerate the foolhardy diatribe from the democrats, I have no time NOR desire to banter with someone I thought was a friend and thus became snarky bc youre dang frustrated with the status quo of the the Country. Well, Gary, youre not the only one. I came to you privately to share the comments and all you have done is attack me. your attitude is less than rational or mature. stay off peoples timelines to vent...... Use your own page. I have never abused your home page with my rants. Arguing w/ folks in-house is time not well spent. Stop fighting the people who are united in fighting the enemy. Im angry? lol. Sad when ego becomes more important than our country being destroyed. I welcome anyone who is friends with her to ask her to show you all i wrote. There are many on my friends list that are like this in ways though. Never liking anyone elses posts,never sharing anyone elses posts. You know all the Super Bowls,World Series,World Cups ever won came via a staff that debated the method to be taken to victory. All the wars won on earth involved men and women disagreeing at first to come in the end to a winning strategy. There ego never stood in the way,their need to be noticed ,to be singled out as the best ,never came to mind.Sad when ego plays a role with so many when it comes matters as important as the fight we face now. All this said,i would just like to make a couple points. And yes,completely my opinion. I hope that when election time comes that there are not many who look at the candidates and make it mandatory that we agree on every little issue.There issues we must,but our goal is what needs to be focused upon.We need,we have to take this country back now.This face book thing and egos pale in comparison to the fate our children and grandchildren face if we do not.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 01:38:52 +0000

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