Pretty sick of this sort of rubbish and whats worse its become the - TopicsExpress


Pretty sick of this sort of rubbish and whats worse its become the norm and accepted by most of us. Once again we get piece of yellow journalism which instead of focusing on the real story and actual reasons why people might be motivated to stand in the cold for five and a half hours two days in a row and then travel to Dublin a third day– Wednesdays peaceful protest of over 100,000 received no coverage at all in the paper – instead we get coverage asking us to pity two politicians who represent their party and shaft the public. All the articles are biased in favour of the establishment and written in a style that makes out its reporting factually. The numbers given for attendance at protests are plucked from someones arsehole or where do they actually come from? And the quotes are taken completely without context... The Nationalist decided to protect its parasitic establishment, with which it has far too cosy a relationship, and to defend its local FG stooges. Brian ODonaghue and Fergal Browne who I described as a gobshite were given a ridiculous amount of focus this week in Denis OBriens Carlow People and also the Nationalist - what about all of those opposed to Irish Water where is their extended coverage? Where is the extended coverage for all those being shafted by this governments policies? I think the description gobshite was fitting for any politician who cant address a simple question regarding their voting after coming from a Council meeting - maybe its not? It’s a term in wide usage in this country to describe a person who spouts mouth excrement - what better description for a Fine Gael politician? The group of protesters standing in front of his car decided to allow Browne to go on his merry way (Gardai did not make this decision - we decided), after a short spell, and we did so because there was a realisation that it was pointless trying to get the gobshite to answer a simple question - ...we’re going to let you go because we think you’re a bit of a gobshite Fergal... Browne did mutter a few words in response, he wanted it to be acknowledged for having allowed the motion to be heard - which is remarkable in itself - THE TRUTH is Fine Gael and Labour members wanted to have the motions postponed until the next meeting! An insult to all those who had taken the time to come down to the meeting and hear the motions being debated (You actually have to ask a councillor for tickets to sit in the gallery to witness closed room democracy) and especially those outside. Establishment politicians think they can say anything and get away with it. They dont expect to be challenged. Theyve gotten away with it in the past because people bowed before them - the media still does. So the two FG Cllrs. Browne and ODonaghue were simply asked questions and when they decided not to engage at all with those questions people rightly got a bit annoyed. “Why did you vote against our motion?” Its a pretty easy question to answer in fairness. Had they actually given an answer I sincerely believe that they would have been jeered as they left and allowed to head on home - they didnt, and half of the protesters, myself included, didnt hold back on what we thought of that and what we thought of them as supporters of this regime and its history of corruption. Questions were then directed at Fergal Browne and the cutting of the investigation into planning corruption about why him, Phil Hogan, and his buddies closed it down.Of course the question was greeted with the usual contempt. And of course questions like this will never reach the pages of the local paper! Why is that? Fergal Browne said on Tullow street, a while back, while I was handing out fliers, no thank you I pay my way with a flick of the head only an arrogant “gobshite” of the highest order could pull off. Even for a Fine Gael politician this is a bit rich given the disparity between his earnings and the overall majority of people in the town. I’ve no problem with people being rewarded for their labour but come on like? “I pay my way” so by implication I and those opposed to socialism for the rich, banker’s taxes, and mindless austerity don’t? Stats reveal that those on the lowest incomes actually pay just as much and more as a percentage of income than the middle and highest earners. Fergal and his cohorts havent really been impacted by this so why would they care? Fine Gael, and their gimps, dont want to hear what you think. Theyll guillotine legislation on behalf of corporate and business interests and laugh at you for having issues with the lack of democracy or for you lodging any objection to the damage being done to our society - protests come and go Noonan said. Its all wink wink nudge nudge and I wont even get started on Denis Obrien and his links to Fine Gael. There can be no distinction drawn between good Fine Gael politicians and bad ones because its their partys policies and their politics that focus on whats good for banks, corporation, and multinationals and leave the people to suffer. If you support Fine Gael, are a member, or if you defend their politicians from just criticism regarding their party affiliation and politics you are by implication pro-bailout and pro-austerity, you’re essentially against democracy and against the privileging of people over banks and corporate interests – you support giving a blind eye to open corruption. You are not going to get away with it by smiling at me or any other informed citizen. You’re part of the problem in this country. Fine Gael and Labour gimps defend the most ridiculous positions in relation to Irish Water. That lack of an ability to justify these positions would logically infer that theyre just saying what someone else has said is their partys position and have not really given a whole lot of thought to the words theyre parroting…it’s time that these people were held to account. It’s either that they’re actually as thick as the make themselves out to be or that they’d just play the fool, lie, and argue to the ends of the earth to defend their leader’s and Denis & the bankers positions on things so that the can get ahead. I’m not sure which is worse to be honest that people elect these blundering gobshites who are actually that thick or that people keep electing the same corrupt and/or mindless party stooges? These articles fail to give a voice to all of those out protesting on the two nights in Carlow, all of those from Carlow who travelled to Dublin on the Wednesday, and all of those who have come out and protested in town over the past while and theyve failed to acknowledge that public opinion is against the water charges and Irish Water – why is that? The coverage was made about specific characters, including myself, and parties and the poor politicians and officials – blah…nothing about the actual issue at hand and the people who are opposing this en masse - all those who stood out in the freezing cold and the over 3,000 people who protested in November in downpours. This is nearly always the case - the real issues and concerns and the people impacted are completely side stepped? Why is that? We all deserve better...
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 15:40:49 +0000

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