Prevention Starts NOW There I sat beside my father’s bed - TopicsExpress


Prevention Starts NOW There I sat beside my father’s bed wondering if this really could be true. Only a few short months ago you would never know that there was anything wrong with him. “But he was so healthy”, everyone would say. Now, he lay there struggling to survive. I could see the frustration and disbelief in his eyes; his mind trying to comprehend what was happening and more importantly, WHY. My father, one of the most determined and independent people I had ever known, was now completely incapacitated and totally dependent on others for even the most basic of daily activities. Within months cancer had taken this seemingly strong, independent, and healthy man and turned him into a shadow of his former self. It happened so quickly that we had very little time to deal with what was happening. But nobody was more shocked than my father himself. Cancer had ravaged the brain of this brilliant man. The doctors all agreed that the cancer had been building up for decades; all we saw were the final months of an insidious process that was going on behind the scenes. In reality, my father had been a very sick man for years and years but he looked and felt just fine. My dad died on February 5, 2001 at the young age of 65. My oldest son, Jacob, turned 1 the next day. My youngest son, Nicholas, was not yet born. They had to grow up not knowing this amazing man. He was a character, always making jokes; he would have made an incredible grandpa. My dad was taken from this world way too early and I still miss him dearly. A piece of him lives on in me and he is a huge part of my big WHY. The reason I do what I do to help people is so that you don’t have to experience this in your life. If I can help prevent even one of you from going through what my family went through, I believe my purpose will have been fulfilled. However, I won’t stop at just one! Staying healthy is the key and I can help. We hear the statistics being thrown around: 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer; over 1500 North Americans die of cancer each day; cancer is the leading cause of death in children under 15. This disease affects us all. We’ve donated billions to cancer research and a cure has still not been found. It’s easy to start believing that there is nothing we can do to fight, beat, or prevent cancer. Nothing could be further from the truth! You were BORN a CANCER KILLER! We all were. But if we keep looking for a cure without addressing the CAUSE we will never get anywhere. And this is precisely why billions of dollars and decades of research have still not resulted in one cure. Do you know what the cause of cancer is? Are you doing everything you can to prevent cancer right now? What I know now is that my dad’s cancer could have been prevented. But if we wait until it’s too late, often nothing can be done. Prevention starts NOW and each of us can do it if it’s a priority. However, so many of us lead busy lives and believe that “It’s not going to be me” so we don’t even think about prevention. Please don’t wait for a tragedy to get you learning about how you and your family can prevent cancer. Drop all of the (good) excuses and take the time on Saturday, November 22 to learn how to become a Cancer Killer. We will be sharing life-saving information on how you CAN prevent cancer. It takes more than eating vegetables and exercise to prevent cancer. This is must-know information. I cannot make this a priority for you but I can tell you that you won’t be sorry that you committed to coming. Tickets are on sale now. Please share this information with your friends and family. Love, Dr. Jeff
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:11:27 +0000

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