Preview: Skye was searching for a partner for the prom. He already - TopicsExpress


Preview: Skye was searching for a partner for the prom. He already tried asking the other girls,but he still failed. So what do you think? Will he be able to find one ? And who is it gonna be? ウエディング日記 Uedingu nikki (-Prom Diaries-) As expected, I failed again. I always fail when it comes to girls. And hey! I’m not ugly! There is just so many guys here who are hotter than me. Right now, I’m so disappointed to myself. Why can’t I make a change? Anyway what’s the purpose of trying when I already look like a DISASTROUS MATERIAL to all? I can’t even confess to Alexa whom I have a crush on for four years already. I’m so tired of everything, but i still feel like not giving up and I even heard a news that Alexa was already asked by a guy to be his partner. I feel so jealous, super jealous, mega jealous, extremely jealous!!! I almost cried when I heard that Alexa accepted it. Who is that guy by the way? I still don’t know who but I’m very interested to find out. They said that the guy is popular, talented, handsome and also a gentleman. Could it be Evan the handsome basketball player? Mike the popular model in our school? Jake the most talented weeb? Or Troy the charmer? - - Our class is now dismissed. I can see everybody’s faces smiling bright. They all got partners now ,except me. Everybody left the classroom, and I’m always last. I picked up my bag and as I look down below the window, I could see Alexa talking to a girl in the garden. Maybe it’s her best friend. But when the girl turned her face then i was shocked when she was looking straight at me to where I was. All i can think of in that moment she looked is I hate her so much! You know who she is, who was called “the Queen of Bullies”, Lacy Redwood. I wonder why where they talking to each other? A popular girl will have a bully friend? That’s impossible! But why do they look so close to each other? Now I can see them waving goodbye and Lacy was running away with a diary i her hands, and she looks like in a hurry. A lot of questions are swirling up in my head, it made me so curious that I really, really wanted to know . So I hurriedly ran downstairs. Not noticing my shoe laces were untied i tripped off dramatically. “He-help!!”...Surprisingly, somebody caught me from falling off the stairs. And I was so heavy that the person can’t lift me, then I accidentally landed on that person’s chest..Why is it soft? I still haven’t looked at that person’s face but it feels’s a girl who caught me!? If it is a girl (that explains the soft chest that I’ve just landed on), then its so hilarious that a girl is the one who caught a boy from falling (More like,opposite from what I see in Anime movies when a boy catches the girl). But phew! I thought I’ll end up in a hospital before the prom, so I’m still thankful whoever this person is. So I looked up to that person’s face, (my eyes were still kind ‘a blurry) But then...Boom! It is a girl! I can see a long curly hair and a beautiful Caspian blue eyes and so I really landed on a girl’s chest! *blush* Then when my eyes cleared, and a few seconds after I realized that the girl who just saved me is..LACY!!! All I can think about is I hate her, I really really hate her. Why? It’s a Long story. Now I can see her turning red, I think she’s gonna explode at me any moment now or maybe she’ll yell at me like what all bullies do. “S-s-s-sorry..I-I-I di-dint mean to land on your soft chest ..” (WAIT,WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT?!)..”P-p-pervert!!! Shut up you clumsy perv!”- ..I stand corrected, knew she’s gonna do the shouting part, but what surprised me is when she said this- “A-a-are you okay? Clumsy Perv?”. She sounds worried and it’s creeping me out to the max, I mean why would a bully be worried at someone like me? “Yes, I’m okay.....uhmm..” She stands up and looks at her back “There’s somebody coming! Quick! Go now or I’ll put grenade in your pants!” –“What the hell is going on?” Then She just shushed me.(Am I really that Loud?) She was looking downstairs and she looked shocked like she saw a mother kissing a toad or whatever. “Damn, they saw us!” –“B-but I just wanna say...” Before I could continue what I was gonna say to her she grabbed my hands and ran off with me. Who’s coming anyway? Are they going after me? Or her? Or us? And jeesh, I did’nt know the Queen of Bullies likes to run,a lot. Then we hide at the library,she was checking if they are not there anymore. I can see her relieved. “You jerk, you almot put us in trouble”...-“Us in trouble? What do you mean?”..-“No.forget I said that.Clumsy Pervert!!!”..OWWWW!! she just stomped on my head and Man! She’s strong for a girl, No wonder she’s the queen of bullies. “Hey!!! Stop that it hurts!”... -Be safe,bye.Did she just say that? And why did she sounded worried? - W-what?..She just looked at me and ran off (Right,she looooves running)----I can’t believe what just happened. And pictures of Lacy saving me keep popping up in my head, dang! I can’t get her out of my mind! She’s like an alien pest invading my head! I need to cool off, so I went to my favorite spot. “To the garden I go!” Hop hop hop, need to hop to refresh my head.(My Pancake-Mama taught me so) I sat down at the bench in the garden, I like it here since this is where I always see Alexa spending time to write on her Diary and also the sunset view is perfect. Then, something caught my eye. A diary! I found a Diary! And what’s more surprising is that it looks 100% the same like Alexa’s diary, it has a pink-flowered cover too! Nobody was around so I didn’t hesitate to pick it up. A very wide smile appeared on my face like this ^_________________________^ . You know what I’m thinking? I’m gonna uncover her secrets myself. --To be continued-- >So whats her secret anyway? >Is the diary really hers? >who asked Alexa to be his partner? >What will be Skyes reaction if he will know that the guy is his best friend? >Do you know the real reason why Lacy became the Queen of bullies? (Take a guess and take your imaginations to the other universe XD)
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:39:45 +0000

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