Previous Assumptions Blown to Bits In One - TopicsExpress


Previous Assumptions Blown to Bits In One Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day! The assumptions seemed so logical: 1) There is no part of your brain that has lain dormant for forty years. That is a ridiculous concept. 2) You know what you have accomplished. How can there be surprises about that. 3) Your limits are unique, special. There will not be someone else with similar limits. All those assumptions were blown to bits today. I found myself using skills last tested forty years ago. Succeeding comfortably, looking forward to more, But an hour after it ended I felt amazing “special fatigue”. It was those Rip Van Winkle neurons complaining, Awakened and put to work after sleeping all those decades! Just as that was subsiding I received the most amazing Email From someone I was sure would never write back to me. He had risen to such heights, I was beneath his notice, I thought. Yet here was an Email thanking me for the very positive influence I had had on his life that was beyond anything I thought I had done or was capable of. I began thinking then of mental limits, what you think you can do, and what you can actually do. How there is a tradeoff; more of one thing means less of another. How I had this secret defect in directional ability, finding places. And then I realized that I had likely encountered today another person with the very same defect! Just an amazing day! https://youtube/watch?v=tRFHXMQP-QU Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (from Mary Poppins) - Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 06:48:55 +0000

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