Previous Messages of Mary Friday, June 7 of 2013 MESSAGE OF THE - TopicsExpress


Previous Messages of Mary Friday, June 7 of 2013 MESSAGE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, TRANSMITTED IN THE MARIAN CENTER OF AURORA TO MOTHER SHIMANI Dear children: When a soul resists to learn that which, by the Will of God is designated in each moment of life, this consciousness starts on a path of suffering that at first is imperceptible for it. In this way a certain time passes, and this consciousness, which at first seemed relieved for not entering into a new learning, begins to feel restlessness; because while their mind and their emotions seem to live that which they desire, their soul and their spirit enter into a process of fear from knowing that they are not in the correct path and that they are wasting precious time; they feel that life does not wait and that the experiences that are not under the hand of the Most High could lead them to errors that soon will not permit them to find the real way out. Why, My beloveds, do you insist to live in restlessness? Is it that you do not trust Me and the Saviour, My Son, Christ Jesus? Always bear in mind, dear children, that in this time I am still with you, accompanying you along the paths of your life, and I want that you learn your new paths taken holding My hand, without suffering, without restlessness, and without fear. In this way you will learn through your own experience to walk along the path of the Lord with discernment and peace; and thus you will be able to know that the paths that the Divine Will offers us are paths by means of which we find peace and interior freedom, those attributes that make us full servants of the Plan of God for His creatures. Envelop yourselves up in My protective mantle of Mother and take without fear the steps that the Creator indicates to you; the one impulse that shouts in the bottom of the heart, and do not fear losing anything, because you will only find the direct path to the Blessed Heart of the Redeemer. Do not ever rest in the satisfaction of the mind and in the ephemeral fulfillment of the desires of the body, because there you will find nothing. Unite yourselves to My Immaculate Heart and walk the true path that brings you to being dignified children of God. Everything else pertains to the illusion of this world, that has lost its spiritual connection. You are still on time to find the real path again, that which the human being has lost in the distraction of the senses, material power and modernity. Encourage yourselves to live for true love, pure love, the one that sustains the true life of the being in the universe. I wait for you, to accompany you in this challenge. I love you and I keep you. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and your Mother. Wednesday, June 5 of 2013 MESSAGE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, TRANSMITTED IN THE MARIAN CENTER OF AURORA TO MOTHER SHIMANI My beloved children: Today, when you are in the Home of Aurora again, I want you to rest in Me and to restore your strength, so that after this repose of your bodies you can go ahead firmly in the task that you share with Me and with My son, the Saviour of souls. I want you to deepen the encounters with Me through the prayer of the heart and that you devote a specific time in the morning and another at night to share with Me the Mysteries of the Rosary. I want that the in the morning we pray together the Joyful and the Luminous Mysteries and, at night, before the recollection of your bodies we unite ourselves in the Painful and the Glorious Mysteries. In this way I will be able to reveal to you some mysteries, the ones this humanity should know before the great changes that are approaching. With this task that we will realize, at first without a date of completion, we will prepare for the new cycle that will come. When the public and wider task of diffusion arrives again, new horizons will have unfolded in your consciousnesses and you will have another understanding about this task that unites you to the Divine Messengers. Prepare your consciousnesses to be before this task awake and available, since God the Father has given His Permision for you to deepen in the Mystery of Creation, so that all His Creatures mature and live their own relation with the Divinity, in another way. Be attentive, because in this way this labour that we will start will have the outcome foreseen by Our Father. Rest within My Immaculate Heart, that there you will recover all your strength. We will meet in the Divine Prayer of the Heart. Thank you for answering My call for instruction and peace. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of Trinity. Saturday, June 1 of 2013 MESSAGE FOR THE SPECIAL APPARITION IN SAO CARLOS, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL TRANSMITTED BY THE MOST HOLY QUEEN OF PEACE TO THE VISIONARY FRIAR ELÍAS Today, once again My Immaculate Heart unites itself to the heart of each pilgrim present in the world, and the bridge of light that unites us is the unity and the love that manifests itself in the prayer of the Holy Rosary. The Holy Rosary are the beads with decades that reveal a precious mystery of love to each pilgrim. This Divine Love that comes from the Father unites itself to each essence that recites this favorite prayer of Mine, that will unite you to Me in each moment. In each bead an event manifests itself, a realization of the Plan of God reached by all the hearts of the Earth through the donation to the Sacred Hearts. Each time that a pilgrim soul prays with Me a new Portal of Peace is opened to the world, because the true Love of God, that unites the essences with My Son and with My Immaculate Heart, manages to express itself. Dear children of San Carlos and all the State of San Paulo: In this month of June of 2013 is completed the 32nd consecutive year of My presence in Medjugorge and in the world; in this month of June is completed one more year of the presence of the Queen of Peace among the simple hearts and the immature hearts, the ones that still do not know God. For this, with joy and bliss, today I come to San Carlos to close a cycle of blessings that I have given during these last months and to initiate in this way a new cycle with all of My dear children. Medjugorje and its message of peace will be what will renew the fidelity of the hearts towards God the Father in the new time. Medjugorje will awaken the profound devotion in the consciousnesses that have distanced themselves from the life of prayer. Here My Divine Light unites itself as a task for the Americas in My Apparitions, the ones that have been taking place for some years with all of you; it is this way dear children, that the bridge between Medjugorje and Aurora is created. As Mother of Humanity, during this month of June I am inviting you to renew yourselves in peace and to live in My Peace. For this reason I present Myself to the world as Mary, the Queen of Peace, to show to all My children that you are lacking the attribute of peace and that this has generated great conflicts in the entire world. Through the Holy Rosary, recited with the heart every day, peace will sow itself in all of those that have lost it and will reflect itself as a mirror of light to all of your families, the nations and the world. When there is absence of peace it is because there is lack of inner prayer, because otherwise no soul in these times could loose peace and hope. For this I come to the world and come to all of you during this month of June, to reaffirm My presence of Eternal Peace in Medjugorje and in Aurora, South America. Dear children of San Carlos and all the State of San Paulo: Brazil will have the precious Grace of receiving the Holy Father, the Pope Francis, as a messenger of Peace and Reconciliation for this time; this is possible because of My maternal presence in the world and because of the aspiration that, through the messengers and instruments of the Father, you find in My Son Jesus. That today your hearts can please God the Creator, through the donation of your lives to perpetual prayer. Dear children, that your souls united to the Queen of Peace prepare you in love and in charity for the encounter that will take place in Brazil with the successor of Saint Peter, the Pope Francis. Because this time is a time of ecumenism and of fraternity, it is time of finally establishing unity amongst creatures and fraternity amongst consciousnesses. My children, God gives you all the best that He keeps in the Heavens, this is because of the great need of peace and conversion of souls, so that in this way is always manifested your constancy with Me. The present time merits that all My children are united under the Wise Spirit of Prayer. Beloved children, when I travel in peace around each one of the cities of your nation, it is to awaken in you in consciousness to the call of fraternity and of prayer for peace in the world. Always when you are in Me, I will keep you in the Temple of the Heart of Christ; there you will be in Eternal Peace. Dear children of San Carlos, I hope to see on this day the joy reflected on your faces of receiving the Mother of Heaven. I thank you dear children, for opening the door of the heart to Me! I love you and I bless you, Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace. Prayer of union with the Essence of the Peace of God Mary, Mother, my Mother, Queen of Peace may Your sublime rays irradiate the world: may Your Immaculate Peace spring as a inexhaustible fount in our souls; may the heart of each brother and sister reach Eternal Peace, so that next to Christ, Our Lord, humanity redeems itself and opens the door for Forgiveness and Love, in honor of the Creator Father for the many years of Peace that the Earth will live. So be it Amen Saturday, June 1 of 2013 MESSAGE FOR THE SPECIAL APPARITION IN SAO CARLOS, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL TRANSMITTED BY THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY TO THE VISIONARY SISTER LUCÍA Dear children: When a child of Mine calls Me with the truth of the heart, so that My presence radiates itself to the world, My Immaculate Heart receives from God the permission to respond to this call. When I make Myself present, I bring between My hands the Will of the Lord for each one who has summoned Me. My presence on Earth always has a spiritual reason. God allows Me to answer the call of the those who most need My presence and of those who are ready to take a new step. To those who have with fervor of spirit summoned My Immaculate presence, I say to them: I bring between my arms the plans of the Lord for each one of your lives and I bring between My hands a luminous rosary that must traverse, bead by bead, the hands of the people. The fire that lit the heart of those who call Me must be still bigger before My presence, so that they can sustain, through Faith and absolute Fidelity towards the Heart of God, the Will of the Lord that descends through Me, and the new impulses of transformation that My Heart radiates. How many are today before My presence, it is because their souls have called Me and I, answering this call, I bring them to My Heart. My beloveds, even if you do not have consciousness, all that hear My voice accept a commitment with Me, all that become aware of My presence receive from the Lord the opportunity to start a new cycle in life and in all of their existence, forgiving and redeeming the past to build in the Infinite a new dwelling and a new learning. If to your little hearts has come the Good News of My presence in the world, you must reflect deeply about the responsibility that your hearts take on. You are in a time of chaos, where Peace almost does not exist in the world, being called to live the transformation of the heart, to be guided step by step on this path of conversion, guided by the Queen of Heaven and Earth, crowned with stars by the Celestial angels and chosen by God to prepare the world for the coming of the Redeemer. The Lord observes with profound attention the response of His creatures, He knows of each movement of the human hearts and He knows the virtues and weaknesses of each one of His children. My beloveds, My words resonate in a Universal way, so that all that come in touch with this Divine Verb can feel My presence and discover in each word the strength and the impulse that they need to move forward. I come as Mother and Queen of Peace, so that Peace comes to be born again in the heart of humanity and does not disappear from the world. I come as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to conceive the Holy Spirit in each human heart and this way to remove the veils of ignorance that separate My children from God and from the Universe in which He lives. I come as Mother of the World and Universal Mother, to unveil mysteries that have been hidden to the hearts of the world during all these centuries of existence, because few have been able to overcome the knowledge and the barriers of the mind, to dive into the Infinite of the Heart of God, through their own heart. Today I invite you, My children, again to awakening, to the discovery of God through prayer, to the discovery of Love through communion, to the discovery of Piety through a real fast for the souls. As Mother and pilgrim, I invite you to accompany My steps, to live My words, that are not Mine, but the Echo of the Voice of God, resonating in the world through His Faithful Messengers. It is time to awaken, beloved children, to live a life of greater Fraternity and Peace, through constant service and daily prayer. Count on My presence to take new steps towards transformation and reconversion. Count on the Voice of My Son to open your hearts and call them to follow on His steps. God delivers, at this time Heaven into the hands of humanity. Who will know how to accept? The Universe of God awaits you. I love you and bless you for all Eternity. I thank you for letting yourselves be guided by My Heart. Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of Trinity. Saturday, June 1 of 2013 MESSAGE FOR THE SPECIAL APPARITION IN SAO CARLOS, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL TRANSMITTED BY THE MOST HOLY QUEEN OF PEACE TO THE VISIONARY FRIAR ELÍAS Today, once again My Immaculate Heart unites itself to the heart of each pilgrim present in the world, and the bridge of light that unites us is the unity and the love that manifests itself in the prayer of the Holy Rosary. The Holy Rosary are the beads with decades that reveal a precious mystery of love to each pilgrim. This Divine Love that comes from the Father unites itself to each essence that recites this favorite prayer of Mine, that will unite you to Me in each moment. In each bead an event manifests itself, a realization of the Plan of God reached by all the hearts of the Earth through the donation to the Sacred Hearts. Each time that a pilgrim soul prays with Me a new Portal of Peace is opened to the world, because the true Love of God, that unites the essences with My Son and with My Immaculate Heart, manages to express itself. Dear children of San Carlos and all the State of San Paulo: In this month of June of 2013 is completed the 32nd consecutive year of My presence in Medjugorge and in the world; in this month of June is completed one more year of the presence of the Queen of Peace among the simple hearts and the immature hearts, the ones that still do not know God. For this, with joy and bliss, today I come to San Carlos to close a cycle of blessings that I have given during these last months and to initiate in this way a new cycle with all of My dear children. Medjugorje and its message of peace will be what will renew the fidelity of the hearts towards God the Father in the new time. Medjugorje will awaken the profound devotion in the consciousnesses that have distanced themselves from the life of prayer. Here My Divine Light unites itself as a task for the Americas in My Apparitions, the ones that have been taking place for some years with all of you; it is this way dear children, that the bridge between Medjugorje and Aurora is created. As Mother of Humanity, during this month of June I am inviting you to renew yourselves in peace and to live in My Peace. For this reason I present Myself to the world as Mary, the Queen of Peace, to show to all My children that you are lacking the attribute of peace and that this has generated great conflicts in the entire world. Through the Holy Rosary, recited with the heart every day, peace will sow itself in all of those that have lost it and will reflect itself as a mirror of light to all of your families, the nations and the world. When there is absence of peace it is because there is lack of inner prayer, because otherwise no soul in these times could loose peace and hope. For this I come to the world and come to all of you during this month of June, to reaffirm My presence of Eternal Peace in Medjugorje and in Aurora, South America. Dear children of San Carlos and all the State of San Paulo: Brazil will have the precious Grace of receiving the Holy Father, the Pope Francis, as a messenger of Peace and Reconciliation for this time; this is possible because of My maternal presence in the world and because of the aspiration that, through the messengers and instruments of the Father, you find in My Son Jesus. That today your hearts can please God the Creator, through the donation of your lives to perpetual prayer. Dear children, that your souls united to the Queen of Peace prepare you in love and in charity for the encounter that will take place in Brazil with the successor of Saint Peter, the Pope Francis. Because this time is a time of ecumenism and of fraternity, it is time of finally establishing unity amongst creatures and fraternity amongst consciousnesses. My children, God gives you all the best that He keeps in the Heavens, this is because of the great need of peace and conversion of souls, so that in this way is always manifested your constancy with Me. The present time merits that all My children are united under the Wise Spirit of Prayer. Beloved children, when I travel in peace around each one of the cities of your nation, it is to awaken in you in consciousness to the call of fraternity and of prayer for peace in the world. Always when you are in Me, I will keep you in the Temple of the Heart of Christ; there you will be in Eternal Peace. Dear children of San Carlos, I hope to see on this day the joy reflected on your faces of receiving the Mother of Heaven. I thank you dear children, for opening the door of the heart to Me! I love you and I bless you, Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace. Prayer of union with the Essence of the Peace of God Mary, Mother, my Mother, Queen of Peace may Your sublime rays irradiate the world: may Your Immaculate Peace spring as a inexhaustible fount in our souls; may the heart of each brother and sister reach Eternal Peace, so that next to Christ, Our Lord, humanity redeems itself and opens the door for Forgiveness and Love, in honor of the Creator Father for the many years of Peace that the Earth will live. So be it Amen
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 00:13:58 +0000

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