Previously, I have always kept mute in respect to talking ill of - TopicsExpress


Previously, I have always kept mute in respect to talking ill of Pst. Ayo Oritsejafor, the CAN President. But, it is high time, I disclosed my opinion about his rapport with the federal government. Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor should know that he is a religious and spiritual leader. He should as well understand that there are lines between political leadership and ecclesiastical leadership. Sometime ago, President GEJ was live at the commissioning of Pst. Ayos university, Eagle Heights University. I personally do not have any problems with that after all, why dont I set up my own private University and invite Mr President to come for its launching and watch if he will not oblige to do so, but that singular event plunged me into thinking about some salient issues between CAN and the FG. We can recall that the Catholic Church before they left CAN in 2013 made it public that they were pulling out because the CAN they knew was not the CAN currently in existence. They made it clear that the current CAN under the leadership of Pst. Oritsejiefor was then and is now a department and a medium of contract awards. An extract from a Catholic Bishop read: “CAN is now being run as part of the government and we said no. Because they (government) will dictate to us what to do and they will not take our advice seriously. The Catholic Church decided to withdraw from the activities of CAN at national level; we are still part of the state. We made our stand clear in November, last year, and by December, the man bought a jet. I don’t know how he got it but the president was there on that day the jet was delivered to him. So, what we are saying is that our religious leaders should be honest, upright and they should also be the conscience of this nation. If you are bought, the masses of this country are finished. If you can use money to buy our religious leaders, then there is no hope for the common man. That is the Catholic Church’s stand. We are supposed to speak for the people to correct the wrongs in the society and assist every government to know the will of God for them and we still stand by that.” The Catholic church said it would return when these anomalies are corrected. Of a truth, CAN has been politicized and is no longer being used to promote peace and unity in the country. In the time of Jesus, he made friends with the common man and spoke against evil, which meant that he was not liked by the rulers of the day. In these days, the church leaders make friends with the rich/selfish politicians and refuse to speak out against the evil in the land. In whose footsteps are they walking? If taken, Churches will start paying tax! What did you think informed our conferees to come up with this line of action? Perhaps their school fees may be unaffordable to a large number of their congregations whereas their money was used in the construction of the university? How can these churches justify a case were a member will give offering to the building but cant afford even sponsoring his children in public schools, not to talk of the churches? Cant the churches build free schools for the poor masses in their churches? Why is the church institutions becoming business centres? Have the church forgotten the passage of the bible that states: freely ye receive, freely ye shall give? Until I see churches that will build education institutions for the masses of the nation, I may not be a fan of a church institution with huge fees. If the churches continue this way, which example are we showing to the politicians that suppose to learn from the church leadership?? WE MUST GO BACK TO CALVARY OR WE ARE HEADING TO CALAMITY. Pst. Ayo Oritsejafor has been more of a politician than a Pastor and a real crony of President Jonathan, Is it that they have succeeded in destroying our public schools just for theirs to thrive. God is really watching. Let us be frank with ourselves, when last did Pst. Ayo Oritsejafor condemn any unpopular move of GEJ? I expect Pastor Ayo as an ordained minister of God to be mediating in the issue of the COESU and ASUP strike, if he really has the interest of the Nation at heart! Before he became the CAN president, what was the strength of his church financially? Could he have bought a jet? Own properties here and there? Build a university? Dont get me wrong here, Im not against his progress but how did it come about? What compromises has he reached to acclaim them? Can you say that CAN has not been dragged into partisan politics thereby compromising the ability to play its true role as conscience of the nation and the voice of the voiceless? The answer is as simple as this; when you are served kola and committed you tend to speak-less or better be speechless »Okoro, Tochukwu Prosper.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 05:42:06 +0000

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