Price of Silence cast members of Blurred Lines of Justice hit the - TopicsExpress


Price of Silence cast members of Blurred Lines of Justice hit the streets in the name of Muzammil Bibi, in the name of a liberation from rape and fear that will only be born by ending the apathy, the dispassion and the denial. In the name of Muzammil Bibi, in the name of every woman harassed, and subjugated to the debased, objectified, dehumanized social value we combat the catastrophe of contentment, with the crisis of silence. A silence which escorts the hand of violence across the bodies and minds of womankind. A crisis of silence which defrauds women and girls of their innate human dignity, their social capital, and their right to respect, and be represented equally in respect in every single space public and private. In the name of Muzammil Bibi. In the name of our fellow human beings, fellow women lynched from trees rooted in the soils of virile impotence in Uttar Pradesh. In a whisper of strength and hope for all the survivors and those expunged of life in a war, a war on womankind that must and will end when we stand arm and arm in the name of each other. -Price of Silence postheatre.wordpress/2014/07/04/lets-make-muzammil-bibi-mean-justice/ #MuzammilBibi #HerNameIsMuzammilBibi #PriceOfSilence #BlurredLinesOfJustice #YesAllWomen #YesAllMen #BringBackOurHumanity #TimeToAct #NoMore #ExpectOurDrum
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 01:02:22 +0000

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