Pride comes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before fall. - TopicsExpress


Pride comes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before fall. Proverbs 16:18. In this scripture we are focusing on pride itself. The Bible in other scriptures indicates how God hates pride, self exaltaion. Pride comes in different ways and the devil is always at work in trying to convince us that God is not needed in our lives. So what he does is trying makes us proud of our achievements, diverting the glory from God to ourselves. Pride promotes divisions, wether at work, home and even families. People they get divided because they want the glory, they want to recognised as better than others. Unnecessary divisions emerge because of that. Pride promotes disobedience, people they become full of i know. They know everything and can not take advise from anybody. Even in the ministry, disobedience has grown far more than anything else. They are very rebellious, they cant take orders from other people. Proud people are disrespectful, because they want the glory for themselves. They always want to be recognised all the time. Which is against the word of God. Pride does not honor authority. It reduces order in an organisation, just to bring confusion. Because it main mandate is to divert the glory indended person to oneself, just Lucifer. The church nowadays nolonger exalts Christ, but ourselves. We are fighting to be recognised as if there is someone who died on the cross. There is confusion in church today because the spirit of pride has taken over, nobody respects. Nobody wants orders from another, we nolonger want to exalt Jesus name but our names. We are nolonger doing it in His Name but in our names. We are diverting the glory of God to ourselves. Thats a sign of falling, we can not do without Jesus. God hates pride, the devil fell because of pride. We nolonger pray because we think its from us, that pride. To fear God is to hate evil, including pride, arrogancy. May the great God help us, that we may go back to Him, and humble ourselves. That we may submit to Him, all the time. Hmble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 09:00:01 +0000

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