Pride in Being An Indian Knowledge is not found in books. It is - TopicsExpress


Pride in Being An Indian Knowledge is not found in books. It is inside the human head. I hope many of you must be knowing about Nalanda University. An ancient center of learning in Bihar, it has been called "one of the first great universities in recorded history.” The library of Nalanda University was so vast, hundreds of thousands of volumes, that it burned for many months when muslim rulers set fire to it. Then how that knowledge survived? The wandering monks took it in their heads to different corners of the globe. Thus India’s rich heritage and legacy continues to flourish not just in India but the world around. However, today in India, India’s rich culture is in a state of degeneration because of the impact of the so called western culture. India is a tolerant country. Sanatana dharma is the most liberal of all faiths. This characteristic of comprehensive tolerance to differences in belief and acceptance of diversity is the essential character of our way of life. In fact, Christianity in India is older than Christianity in Europe or other countries. St. Thomas, one of the direct disciples of Jesus came to India and spread Christianity here, in the west and in the south. Jews have been coming to India for more than 2,000 years. Even when persecution of Jews became an active Nazi policy they arrived and lived without fear. During the Chinese onslaught that followed the Tibetan uprising in 1939, spiritual leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, crossed the border into India after a 15-day journey on foot from the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, over the Himalayan mountains. He was heartily welcomed in India. Similiarily in 1971 when rising political discontent in East Pakistan led to the start of civil war, a sea of refugees, about 10 million, flooded into India. Conmpassionate and tolerant India provided shelter to all the homeless. If we continue to cultivate these rich values of our ancient and recent past then India will be one of the most developed and rich countries. Love, sacrifice, service to the needy and kindness are the enduring features of this civilization. In fact, it is the only living civilization. Ancient civilizations grew all over the world. They have all been destroyed. Mayan civilization was spread over a greater part of South America. The Greek civilization flourished in the banks of river Nile. Where is Mayan Civilization, the Greek Civilization and Sumerian Civilization? They all got lost in the sands of time. But our civilization still lives. A homage to its name Sanatana, meaning ever lasting. But just as the body ails with age so also our civilization developed some vices like authoritarian Brahmanism, dowry etc. Many social reformers arose on the scene and tried to eradicate these evils. Gandhiji was one of them. It was in the light of his spiritual ideas and ideals that he carried out his reform programs. He was a true social reformer. 63 years have passed since independence. In 1969, I was a small boy then, I had heard our then prime minister giving a slogan “Garibi Hatao.” 40 years later, has poverty been eradicated? People are still poor, illiterate; there are no health facilities in rural areas. Why? Because today our leaders are hypocrites. Gandhiji preached what he practiced and practiced what he believed. In the pre-independence era leaders burned with the fire of nationalism. There only concern was the highest well being of all people. But the leaders of today are self-centered. Are the dalit leaders really dalits? They are millionaires. They are not concerned about the welfare of the dalits. If some of you have studied sociology then you must be familiar with the term sanskritization. Low caste people after acquiring education and good status change their custom and way of life in the direction of a higher caste. They do not go back or identify themselves with their own family, relatives and community. They try to marry their sons and daughters outside of their villages to claim a higher position than their local community. In my college days I had read a book “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. I am sure many of you must be knowing about it. In that George Orwell compares politicians with the pigs. Speaking sweet words, pretending to espouse equality and freedom, like Orwell’s pigs they exploit and rule us for their own interests. Recently the salary of parliamentarians rocked both houses of Parliament. The salary hike bill seeks to raise an MP’s salary from Rs.16,000 to Rs.50,000 and double their perks. Parliamentarians not only demand for more but they also do not want to pay income tax. Are you here to serve the country or are you here to suck the country? There is a saying – politics is the last refuge of scoundrels. But today India needs good people to join politics. We have people without any qualifications or good values in our parliament. We all know how they get elected. But why they get elected? Because educated Indians do not do their duty. First, they do not vote. Many of them get involved in the process itself and are away from their constituency. Though there is provision for postal ballot they remain unaware. Second, most educated Indians do not think beyond themselves and their family. This apathy towards the country and the society is an issue of concern. You must be thinking…….we came here to listen about God and spirituality but what is he talking about? But this is important. Educated Indians must cultivate a sense of pride in being Indian. The feeling of patriotism should be uppermost in our minds. India is no stranger to the “can do” spirit; it was best exemplified by the life and work of Mahatma Gandhi who said “Be the change that you want to see.” It is our responsibility to collectively become a country of one billion citizen and not merely one billion people. Excerpts from Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 14:13:28 +0000

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