Pride will cause a person to be disobedient to God because their - TopicsExpress


Pride will cause a person to be disobedient to God because their pride will not allow them to let go of something Gods Word tells them to let go of; pride will cause a person to change what God has said to make it fit themself; God is a God of meticulously detailed order; not needing man to interpret anything for him, just desiring man to go out and share what thus says the Lord; and never saying : I Think, or I feel; only saying thus says the Word of God!!!!!! There are many of us practicing things within the church because a man or woman said it is acceptable, even though they cannot find scriptural support. They will say that you are required to do this or that; when the Word speaks expressly against it! They will say you have to have this spiritual gift or that spiritual gift or you do not possess the spirit of God, and then they will show you instances. In the bible when that gift was practiced, but will not show you the instances when that gift was not practiced. God instructs us without confusion on what we are and are not suppose to do or be, and what we are to do and to be. If you are performing a function or residing in a post that the scripture does not support; you are working with the adversary. I dont care what your pastor said, your bishop said, your deacon, or elder said. GOD IS THE AUTHORITY! AND NO MAN REGARDLESS OF HIS KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD HAS THE RIGHT POWER OR AUTHORITY TO CHANGE GODS WORD TO PACIFY OR MAKE COMFORTABLE ANYONE!. AND THOSE. THAT LISTEN TO WHAT THESE WOLVES, BROOD OF VIPERS, WHITE WASH TOMBS TELL THEM WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR NOT KNOWING THE SCRIPTURE THEMSELVES, AND FOR NOT HAVING THE GUTS TO SPEAK UP AND TELL THEM THAT THEY ARE IN ERROR. AS GODS WORD SAYS; THEIR BLOOD WILL BE REQUIRED AT YOUR HANDS. IT IS NOT TRUE THAT IT IS ACCEPTABLE FOR YOU TO PUT MONEY INTO THE DEVILS HAND AND WHATEVER HE DIES WITH IT IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY; GOD MADE YOU A STEWART OVER ALL HE GAVE YOU, NOT YOUR PASTOR. PAUL SAID A WORKMAN IS WORTHY OF HIS HIRE AND YES WE SHOULD SUPPORT THOSE THAT WORK FOR GOD; BIT HE ALSO SAID THAT HE REFUSED MONEY BECAUSE HE DID NOT WANT TO BURDEN THE PEOPLE. EVERY DIME THAT GOES INTO THAT CHURCH IS FOR THE CHURCH, THOSE MEN THAT ARE ABLE BODIED AND CAN WORK NEED TO GET A JOB AND STOP BURDENING THE PEOPLE. REMEMBER. WOMEN THE COVERING OF YOUR HEADS AS A SHOW OF HONOR TO YOUR HEAD, WHO IS YOUR HUSBAND IS A REQUIREMENT; TO NOT DO SO IS DISOBEDIENCE. 1 CORINTHIANS CHAPT 14! 1 TIM CHAPT 2. THIS IS NOT UP FOR DISCUSSION WITH ME; I AM SIMPLY SAYING WHAT THE WORD SAYS, IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT TAKE IT UP WITH GOD. Pay close attention to verse 37 Of chapter 14 1 Corinth.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 22:32:10 +0000

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