Priests.Spiritual Strength.Pray and study scriptures.Learn April - TopicsExpress


Priests.Spiritual Strength.Pray and study scriptures.Learn April and October “They were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God” (Alma 17:2). • Ponder the following questions, and consider writing your answers in a notebook, in a study journal, or in the space below: What effect do consistent prayer and studying the scriptures have on (a) your ability to keep the commandments? (b) your relationship with your family? (c) your relationship with God? What scripture passages are especially meaningful to you? Why? What specific things did you learn from the living prophets in the most recent general conference? How has following this counsel blessed you? Priests.Spiritual Strength: Live worthily • Read Doctrine and Covenants 121:34–40, and identify the effect that sin has on priesthood power. Contrast the examples of Joseph and David as found in Genesis 39, 41 and 2 Samuel 11–12. Ponder how their actions affected their spiritual strength, and share your thoughts with a parent or quorum leader. Discuss what David could have done to avoid the tragedy that occurred in his life. • Record your thoughts in the space below. Priests.Spiritual Strength:Understand Doctrine • Read Doctrine and Covenants 20:68. Part of your duty as a priest is to “expound all things concerning the church of Christ.” • Study the following scriptures: D&C 4; 13; 20:46–60; 84:18–27; 107:1–21; 121:34–46; 124:142–43. Reflect on your experiences and update your outline on “The Priesthood and Priesthood Keys.” In the space below, write about how your understanding and appreciation of the priesthood has changed. Priests.Priesthood duties:Administer priesthood ordinances • Read 3 Nephi 18:1–11 and Matthew 26:26–28. What do you learn from these verses about your duty to administer the sacrament? • Thoughtfully read the sacrament prayers (see D&C 20:77, 79). Write down your thoughts about the meaning of the covenants and sacred words in these prayers. • In the space below, write your answers to these questions: As you officiate at the sacrament table, what can you do to set a good example for other Aaronic Priesthood holders? What can you do to help make the sacrament a more meaningful experience for the members of the congregation? • Attend a baptismal service, and share with a parent or quorum leader what you learn about the ordinance of baptism. Priests.Priesthood duties:Serve others • Think about the service you have performed in your years as a deacon and teacher, and answer the following questions: How did your attitude affect the service you gave? (Review the phrases you wrote as a teacher.) How does service help you become less self-centered and more aware of others’ needs? How were the people you served affected by your service? What can you do as a priest to give more effective service? • Write your answers in the space below. Priests.Priesthood duties:Invite all to come unto Christ • Review the plan you made to become a good home teacher. Looking back on your home teaching efforts, what do you feel you have done well? On the next page, write some ways you want to improve. • In the space below, write your answers to the following questions, and discuss them with your parents or quorum members: How does your example affect your ability to teach the gospel to others? What can you do as a priest to teach the gospel through your actions as well as your words? Priests.For the strength of Youth: Family and friends Study Matthew 5–7 or 3 Nephi 12–14 and make a list of what the Savior taught about how to treat others. Then find examples in the scriptures where Christ or others exemplified some of these principles. Read “Family” and “Friends” in For the Strength of Youth, and find phrases that express these principles. In the space below, write your answers to the following questions, and share them with your parents or quorum members: How is your priesthood service different when you love those you serve? What experiences have you had in which someone showed Christlike love for you? How can you show your love for family members and others? Priests: Preparing to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood When you receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, you enter into the oath and covenant of the priesthood. To learn about this oath and covenant, read Doctrine and Covenants 84:33–44 and “Melchizedek Priesthood” in True to the Faith (pages 101–2). Then, with help from your bishop or your parents, plan a time when you can teach others what you have learned (for example, in priests quorum meeting, sacrament meeting, or family home evening). One important duty of the Melchizedek Priesthood is to preach the gospel (see D&C 53:3). To prepare for this duty, find out what will be required of you when you serve a full-time mission. Consider the following: Personal worthiness and testimony. Gospel knowledge. Christlike attributes. Work habits and physical health. To learn about the requirements for missionary service, use the following sources: your parents, your bishop, returned missionaries, the Missionary Handbook, Preach My Gospel, and talks by General Authorities. Write down what you learn in the space below.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 03:56:31 +0000

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