Prijatelji, Puno hvala svima na odazivu peticije Potpore Josipu - TopicsExpress


Prijatelji, Puno hvala svima na odazivu peticije Potpore Josipu Simunicu! Potpisi su pristigli iz svih strana svijeta, od Hrvata i ljudi drugih nacionalnosti koji su vidjeli istinu i podrzali Josipa i Hrvatsku! Molimo vas da jos jednom stavite link za peticiju na svoje stranice Facebooka i Twittera, posaljete kratku poruku prijateljima preko emaila da se i oni mogu potpisati!šimunić/?utm_source=supporter_message&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=petition_message_notice Mi cemo proglasiti pobjedu kada FIFA proglasi Josipa Simunica i Hrvatsku Reprezentaciju nevinima! Citalo smo komentare zadnjih dana i dirnula su nam srca, a vjerujemo da ce naci i put u srca FIFE! Zelimo se posebno zahvaliti jednom istinskom Hrvatskom News Portalu koji je istinito pratilo i podrzalo nasu peticiju za razliku od svih ostalih razvikanih medija u Hrvatskoj koji nisu to ucinili! Ovo govori puno o stanju medija u Hrvatskoj, kao i cinjenica da su ostali mediji nekoliko puta pisali o srpskoj peticiji i davali linkove. Zato puno hvala i svim ostalim istinskim domoljubima koji su stali uz nas od Herceg-Bosne, do Kanade i Australije. Od braniteljskih portala i udruga do navijaca, casnih sestara i nasih legendarnih bakica koje su otvarale emaile samo da bi potpisale peticiju! Bog Vas blagoslovio! Jelena Soldo, Tom, Ivan, Katarina i ostali Koordinacijski Odbor Udruge Ujedinjeni Hrvati Europe i Amerike Friends, Once again Thank You for answering the call the sign our petition of support for Josip Simunic and Croatian Football Team. We are thrilled that the signatures arrived from all over the world, from Croats and people of different nationalities, who saw the truth and supported our cause! We want to ask you one again to post a link of the petition on Facebook and Twitter, and send it via email to all contacts, so they can sign before the petition is closed.šimunić/?utm_source=supporter_message&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=petition_message_notice Victory will be announced once FIFA finds Josip Simunic and Croatian Football Team innocent! Our team has read many of the comments, which touched our hearts and we hope that they will find a way into the hearts of FIFA too! Please allow us to thank a Croatian News Portal which has been with us from the start and truthfully followed the story and supported the Petition, unlike the majority of big-media in Croatia. This alone is a sign of the state of Croatian media freedom, as is the fact that many media wrote about the Serbian counter-petition numerous times and provided links to it. Thank You to and all other true patriots who proudly stood by us from Herceg-Bosna to Canada and Australia. Thank you to the Croatian Freedom Fighter Associations to the football fans, nuns and our legendary Croatian grandmothers who opened up email addresses just in order to sign the petition! May God Bless You All! Jelena Soldo, Tom, Ivan, Katarina and the rest of Coordination Board of United Croats of Europe and USA https://facebook/pages/United-Croats-of-Europe-and-USA/670136753008006 This message was sent by Jelena Soldo using the system. You received this email because you signed a petition started by Jelena Soldo on FIFA: Support for Josip Šimunić. does not endorse contents of this message. View the petition Unsubscribe from updates about this petition
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 02:47:31 +0000

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