Prim and Rory headcannon! When I wake up, Katniss is already - TopicsExpress


Prim and Rory headcannon! When I wake up, Katniss is already gone, hunting in the woods behind District 12. I yawn and sit on the edge of my bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. My sister goes hunting every day with her best friend, Gale Hawthorne. Sometimes I wish I had a best friend that I could see as much as Katniss sees Gale. I push the thought out of my mind. I love spending time with my mom and learning about healing from her. And anyway, I have Buttercup and Lady. I get up and make the bed before changing into a simple brown skirt with a cream colored blouse. I brush my hair and leave it hanging down then I leave the room. When I find Buttercup, he’s hiding in a corner cleaning his fur. He purrs when sees me and I wonder for the hundredth time how Katniss can ever hate such a sweetheart. He sits on my lap and I stroke his yellow fur, scratching him exactly where he likes it. After a couple of minutes I put him down and step outside to feed Lady. I’ve just put the food down when I hear footsteps behind me. When I turn around, I find that Rory Hawthorne, Gale’s younger brother is standing behind me. “Hi Primrose”, he greets me, smiling nervously. “Call me Prim” I answer, my heart fluttering. “Hi Rory”. Suddenly I’m feeling shy and I have no idea why. “Prim”. Hey says my name as if he’s testing how it sounds on his tongue. “Are you busy today?” The butterflies in my stomach hatch emerge from their cocoons and take flight. I pat Lady one last time before answering. “I was just going to pick some flowers and berries in the Meadow” I say, my soft voice floating away on the morning breeze. I shift my head, letting my hair fall like a curtain between us. With a hesitant hand, Rory reaches out and pulls the curtain to the side, meeting my eyes. “I- I could come with you” he stammers. “If you want”. I look into his grey eyes, the eyes of most of the people here in the Seam. Still, even though I’ve seen them many times on the faces of my neighbors and classmates, his eyes look different, they look… unique. “I’d like that” I step to the right and his hand drops to his side. But I don’t leave him hanging there, looking lost and unsure. I move up next to him and inch my hand closer to his. For a second, our fingertips meet and our shoulders are brushing. Then I turn and walk with small quick steps back to the house, embarrassment flooding over me. Rory and I walk side by side through town on our way to the meadow. My basket swings in my hand and my hair trails out behind me. As we walk, we talk. For the first time, I actually have someone to talk to, and he seems to really understand me. Being with him, it’s as easy as breathing. Sometimes I feel a tug and I’ll glance back to see Rory running his hand along the tips of my hair as they flies in the wind. I hide a giggle and catch myself glancing at his dark hair that constantly falls into his eyes. My fingers ache to reach up there and push the strands out of the way. I think more people need to see those wonderfully special eyes. I only just noticed them today myself. Once we get to the meadow, Rory stays close by my side as I pick berries, flowers and other plants I know about that are either edible or useful in medicines. Rory already seems to know a good bit about plants, and I teach him more as we go along. At one point we split up as I wander away to pick some red berries I recognize. When I move back to him, Rory’s standing there with a bouquet of brightly colored flowers. When he reaches towards me, his hand isn’t as hesitant as before. He tucks a daisy into the folds of my hair and when he’s finished his hand slips down and rests on my cheek for a fraction of a second. Then it’s gone and he moves away from me, ashamed. It hurts me to see him like that, and my mouth opens before I can think about it. “Rory…” He faces me again but stares intently at the grass, his hair falling into his eyes once again. I edge closer to him shyly. Then I don’t resist it; I let my hand wander up and push his hair back from his eyes. He looks at me surprised and the corners of my mouth turn up slightly. Unsure, he reaches for my hand and when I take it I squeeze it reassuringly to let him know that it’s okay. The look he gives me then says it all. As we make our way back through town hand in hand, I know that Rory isn’t just my friend, or my best friend. He’s more. Any feedback is appreciated! I hope you guys like it c: ~Ғɨɾеϣɨɾеᴬᴰᴹᴵᴺ
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 21:27:15 +0000

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