Prime Minister Responses to Snap election call ‘bizarre’ Wed - TopicsExpress


Prime Minister Responses to Snap election call ‘bizarre’ Wed 14 Aug Opposition Leader Wilkie Rasmussen’s call for a snap election has been described by Prime Minister Henry Puna as “bizarre”. Puna says Rasmussen’s comments are part of an on-going pattern, referring to an earlier call also made by the opposition leader in early March for a snap election. “Spinning, snapping, and failing are all apt descriptions of what is occurring in the leader of the opposition’s own head,” said Puna. “His only recourse to the absence of ideas and solutions? Moan. With no reservoir of fresh initiatives to draw from, the opposition will no doubt continue to dip into this well of deficiency into the future.” Responding to claims by Rasmussen of “inertia and inaction”, Puna said the opposition leader needs to look at his own record. “The leader of the opposition is clearly talking into a mirror, with criticisms over irresponsibility,” said Puna. “The people of the Cook Islands still recall the blatant disregard for democratic principles in 2009 and 2010 with the dictatorial hold onto power by five cabinet ministers – orchestrated behind the scenes by the chief architect of political manipulation himself.” “Didn’t take long for fake resentment over Toagate to turn into a power grab did it?” asks Puna. The prime minister also took the time to defend commitments which require him to travel overseas, described earlier by Rasmussen as an “obsession”. “The leader of the opposition appears deluded by memory loss,” said Puna, referring to criticism of his travel to Manihiki and some of the other islands for Te Maeva Nui. “Otherwise, he would have acknowledged his own ecstatic willingness to jump on a flight home for Constitution celebrations.” Through his special advisor Trevor Pitt, The PM’s travel responsibilities as chair of the Pacific Islands Forum were defended, which Pitt describes as “the most important, most prestigious political gathering of heads of governments in the Pacific Region,” and were required to “advance the forum’s collective interests”. The visits and assignments overseas “have raised profiles, lifted standards, set higher bars, and most of all brought international recognition and attention to the region’s issues and concerns – which are also our national issues and concerns.” “The Cook Islands has been widely praised for setting high levels of leadership performance under PM Puna, who has carried the name and reputation of the Cook Islands wherever he has served in his duty as forum chair,” said Pitt. “The pitiable attitude displayed by the Opposition smacks of small-minded political posturing,” he said, adding Rasmussen’s behaviour has the “characteristics of tall poppy syndrome where someone of High Office is envied for simply getting on with the job of leading – leadership in which the Cook Islands has not benefitted for many years.” Regarding, the upcoming decision in appointing a new Deputy Prime Minister, Puna defended his decision-making process, saying an announcement will be made in “good time”. The PM also rejected “any suggestion of detriment to the government’s solid record and progress in moving forward with its economic and fiscal initiatives”.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 05:30:29 +0000

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