Prime Minister of Pakistan visit / after shocks - TopicsExpress


Prime Minister of Pakistan visit / after shocks Ground reality After, Prime minister of Pakistan visit to USA, the futuristic picture of south East Asian and central Asian could be visualized in board perspective. Future history would be remembered, the Role of Pakistani establishment as collaborators of invading forces of crusade against Afghan people. Pakistani leadership must rethink that why there is hatred against Pakistani establishment in Afghan people, whereas ordinary Afghani loves to ordinary Pakistani. Some thing is wrong which need to be rectified. Whenever, the people of Pakistan would had given fair and free chance to elect civil Government, they had always rejected establishment sponsor puppets. It is also hard facts , that those elected representative had deceived people of Pakistan. Look at Mr. Bhutto, he was brought in power by poor class of society and remained powerful until he had not filled his party ranks with opportunist and Landlord and throw out from party, all sincere poor leaders of party. Those new comers traitors with collaboration military establishment as well as imperialist forces had hanged him and end dream of change in Pakistani society. In first war of Liberation of Afghanistan against Soviet Union, Pakistani establishment had annoyed the Northern Alliance, which had been based on northern part of Afghanistan and consist of Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazer and other small communities. Whereas, during present war of liberation of Afghan people, the Pakistani establishment has collaborated with invading crusade army of NATO against Afghan people and severely damaged the image of Pakistan as a friend of Afghan people Now, Pakistan establishment has annoyed the Pashtun tribes living in East part of Afghanistan. What would be posture of Afghan in future easily could be understood. There is No doubt that Pakistani establishment has had already created another most dangerous enemy on her western board, that is hostile Afghanistan. All indicators shows, that schedule visit of PM of Pakistan to USA was ill prepared and preparation were not on facts basis by PM team and advisors. In civilized countries, failure and success of head of state or chief executive always goes to his team or advisor, that is why in such case of failure, the ministers or advisors always resign, but not whole Government. PM must be picking up new team to avoid from such harassment in future. I had read the history of fall of Ottoman Empire as well as other empires in the world and also seen with my naked eyes fall of Dhaka, fall of Soviet empire and also in resent fall of Yugoslavia of Tito. I am finding lot of similarity between fall of Ottoman Empire and present situation in country. Turkey had Ataturk, but Pakistan has non. Everybody knows that imperialist forces are funding privates Pakistani TVs channels and those channels have been creating pseudo expectations and confusion on nonissues in public, the talk shows are far way from true patriotic spirit and unrealistic. It has observed that these Channels are playing in hand of enemy of people of Pakistan International media has reported that UK has provided 150 millions Pounds to one Pakistan private TV channel and USA has provided 5 Million dollars to another one. The political parties as well as business personalities having their own hired anchors on private TVs Channel. Some are defending institutions, political polities and business /elite class, but nobody Anchor is defending interest of poor the country. In such circumstances, the Patriotic forces of country have become irrelevant and nobody likes to listen truth of day. True patriotic forces of country have been considered enemy of country and puppets of smugglers, financial corrupts, tax thieves, sellers of nation and deceivers are consider to be respectable and friend of country. The main reason of failure of visit, we could assumed, that might be real Government (military establishment) which only had have a access to these information, would had not updated as well as shared these secrete unwritten agreements with PM Main Nawaz Sharif before his visit, that is why half informed PM had found himself in hard water in Washington. But, if military establishment would had properly briefed him and his team did not consider and would had not taken any precaution of fired back, then people of Pakistan have justification to demand for resignation of advisor and his teams for failure of visit. But, if in case, military establishment had not briefed properly they must be take responsibility and resign .At least some body show come forward and take moral responsibility for the failure of visit honestly. In Pakistan, every institution and policy makers is claiming that he is poised and error free then where fault lays? Imperialist forces had have always been feeling comfortable with military dictators or with dummy civilian Government under umbrella of military establishment because they could not bribed thousands and thousands people sitting inside assemblies as well as leadership sitting out side of assemblies. Whereas, it is very much easy to hired for few millions dollars few top officers of military establishment and civil bureaucracy and few pseudo political leadership and get job done easily. The most serious crime which present Civilian Government has been planning to initiated or might be committed in sphere of independent foreign policy of country in previous, which was in domain of military establishment since 1947, and result is obvious , another basic shifting of her nation security policy which had been dictated by threat oriented policy of neighbors , but now Government has been planning to take u turn, and switch off its toward economic oriented policy. All mammas of Pakistan, sitting in Government institutions would be consider it not suitable, unworkable, due their wasted interests laying somewhere ales. Previous History of China is full of wars and conflict with other neighbor nations till 1976, but after death of Moa Zedong, a new era had been started by modern Chinas leadership of Li_Xiannian and China has shifted her nation security policy from military domination toward economic orientation and in result now China become economic as well as military super power within 27 years. It is miracle in modern history and that Chinas had done without any pseudo democracy. It is not in the interest of imperialist forces that most obedient slave country like Pakistan should adopt independent economic and foreign policy. They have sincere and committed agents in all segments of Pakistani society, political elite class as well as in all Government institutions,. They have been serving their wasted interest with full dedication and sincerity in country. Master had never liked and would not be liked, that his slave or mercenary should run way from captivity, without his priory permission. USA consider herself hyper super power, did not and do not like arguments against her taken position, especially in present prevailing international circumstances. It is against her prestigious to compromise on any issue and Aid seeker must have to follow the principal of submission, either do you like or not. Aid seekers countries must be good listeners, It was not possible for heavy mandated elected prime minister to retrieved from his taken position, because he would have to answer to his people after five years. Whereas, military leader is always answerable to his senior commander, what so ever he is. Musharraf had played with fate of country for his illegitimated Government survival and whole institution was bound to support him under existing military laws. What guarantee people of Pakistan have, that new dictator would not come in future in the presence of existing military rules and regulations, whereas under these old British colonial rules and regulations, the rank and file of arm forces have to act according. It is not fault of rank and file of arm forces, but whole responsibility lay on lawmakers. Why they had not initiated to change old British colonial laws? If, that old colonial rules and regulations would be remained enforce, country would be never come out of crisis. Our neighbor had changed old British colonial rules and regulations of military long ago, ranks and file of her arm forces could challenged any unlawful decision of his superior to court of law, that is why Indian democracy had strengthen itself in country. Do you think that discipline of arm forces for our neighbor have been worsen due to change of British colonial system, not at all? Time has come that Pakistani nation would have to safe her country not individuals, People of Pakistan are justified to asked why Pakistan arm forces members had been governed by century old British colonial laws? General Musharraf regime have compromised sovereignty and dignity of country with imperialist forces, under secret agreement, that is why he had allowed other international intelligent agencies to used Pakistani air field and carried out all type operations against Pakistani population. It is my apprehension and it might be wrong, but I have feelings that present military leadership would not have properly briefed the PM about unwritten agreement between military establishment and USA. It means that prime minister was not well informed about presence of secret agreement between military establishment and USA. When prime minister has forcefully insisted on his demands to president of USA to stop drones attacks and Pakistani territory, then all of sudden, president of USA has revealed to him the matter of truth, that both countries had already exist mutual understanding on subject. In the reaction, USA has arranged to publish the briefings in Washington Post which had been given to Pakistan high authority during all these attacks, (named called talking points) to press, that is why, Prime minister has acknowledged this unwritten agreement and said that Pakistan would have to bring her house in order first. Pakistan military establishment had never thought that Obama administration would be revealed these talking points and briefings in press. It is my humble opinion that Obama administration have deliberately preplan to create mistrust between civilian Government and army establishment, very successfully. It would be lead to create a new conflict between Civilian Government verse military establishments in Pakistan. It would be great achievement of Obama to create uncertainty in country. Both sides I mean military establishment and civilian Government would be remained in search of getting support from Obama administration for their survival and both would be cooperated with NATO. This position would be produced an ideal situation for safe withdrawal of NATO and USA troops from Afghanistan. Week and unstable Pakistan is necessity of day for imperialist forces to fulfill their future plans in the region. On other hand, Imperialist forces have been stimulating as well as encouraging the Indian to take aggressive posture against Pakistan, to aggregative situation along LOC and Sialkot sector to keep pressure on Pakistan to get maximum concession from Pakistan for NATO troops withdraw. Same tactics was adopted in recent past by Bush regime and under USA pressure India got concession in Kashmir from Musharraf regime and managed to eliminate armed struggle from valley for time being and reciprocally now India is helping her strategy partner in region to get concession for NATO forces during withdraw phase from Afghanistan Nowadays, all NATO countries and India are speaking same language against Pakistan. If, military establishment is sincere with stability and sovereignty of country, then they would have to strength Civilian Government and followed the course which elected Government have been planning for future of Pakistan otherwise a dangerous turn is eminent. Of course the poor negated People of Pakistan have been suffering since long time in hand of elite and exploiters class of Pakistan and would be suffer little bite more, but in present situation more sufferer would be armed forces of Pakistan.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:37:45 +0000

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