Prince Hall - Founder Of African Masonry In North America - TopicsExpress


Prince Hall - Founder Of African Masonry In North America Prince Hall wrote about the treatment and hostility that blacks received in the United States. He recognized black revolutionaries in the Haitian Revolution. Hall also wrote a petition in 1787. In a speech he presented in June, 1797, Hall said: Patience, I say; for were we not possessed of a great measure of it, we could not bear up under the daily insults we meet with in the streets of Boston, much more on public days of recreation. How, at such times, are we shamefully abused, and that to such a degree, that we may truly be said to carry our lives in our hands, and the arrows of death are flying about our heads....tis not for want of courage in you, for they know that they dare not face you man for man, but in a mob, which we despise... Back to Africa movement Prince Hall was involved in the Back-to-Africa movement and approached the legislature to request funds for voluntary emigration to Africa. In January 1773, Prince Hall and seventy three other African-American delegates presented an emigration plea to the Massachusetts Senate. This plea contended that the African Americans would be better suited to the warm climate of Africa and would better endure the African lifestyle. This failed. Hall fought hard for the movement when a group of freed black men were captured and detained while making their way to Africa. Due to a lack of support and enthusiasm for the movement, Hall decided to turn his efforts towards equality in education. “If The Founder Of African Freemasonry In America ,A Freed Man, And Activist Saw The Need To Reconnect And Repatriation In Africa ,Why Do The Majority Of Our People Today Loathe The Idea??” KRMTA818APDMAK
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 20:15:13 +0000

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