Princess Diana and the MOSSAD Connection~ Always a MOSSAD - TopicsExpress


Princess Diana and the MOSSAD Connection~ Always a MOSSAD connection!! Yes ...were all dunb...not! Goodbye Mr Mossad...too stupid to exist! The Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD has got a free hand to kill whenever, whoever and whereever. The Rothschild MOSSAD is actually in command of all other intelligence services in the Western World. That is due to the enormous influence of the Israel-lobbies almost anywhere in the world. MOSSADs business is spying and killing. MOSSAD does that in the USA just as freely as in Great Britain, France or Germany, writes the editor of the renowned daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in his book BND Classified (Verschlußsache BND, Munich 1997, page 70) MOSSAD is behind bombattacks in Europe and the USA. In Germany houses of Turkish families were burned down and people were killed. It is in the interest of Israel that the German youth will always be reminded of their killing nature (Goldhagen) with this kind of incidents. An ever lasting guilt complex of the German people is very much in the interest of the Jewish state. The MOSSAD assassinated US-President Kennedy and so many other non-obedient Western leaders. Kennedy for instance denied Israel the American nuclear programme and wanted to regain government control over the Federal Reserve Bank. The bombing of the FBI-Building in Oklahoma might have been a MOSSAD orchestrated action in order to have tougher laws introduced against American patriots. But what would be a motive for the MOSSAD to murder Princess Diana? Well, Israel would have been in trouble if Diana had married Dodi Fayed. Think about it. What if Diana would have visited Palestine as a mother to a half Arabic child and as a wife to an Arab man. Imagine the masses cheering Diana, embracing her as one of theirs. What if the Princess had then hugged a palestinian child in front of hundreds of TV-cameras? Perhaps a child whose parents were murdered by Israeli killing squads! A child whose father might have been shaken to death as a method of Israeli interrogation procedures - shaken until his artery was bursting open. A child whose pregnant mother was beaten to death because a family member of hers was an alleged terrorist against Israel. The truth about the Israeli terror regime would have been revealed to the world - thanks to Diana. Last but not least, the powerful Israel lobby surrounding the British Royals could not tolerate an Arabic influence inside the British Establishment. Only a few days after Dianas death the National Journal referred to Palestine as a motive for Mossad to kill Diana (see analysis above). Six years later experts support this assumption: Journalist and author Nicholas Davies describes the motive for Dianas murder as follows: Following her successful actions against landmines the princess had bigger plans yet. She wanted to become an icon for all the refugees of this world. Davis: She intended to start a campaign in a Palestinian refugee camp in Gaza or the West Bank. Diana: This misery must come to an end, these children must no longer live under such conditions, was to be her message. (ZDF, Frontal 21, German TV, Documentary on Diana, 28.10.2003) Annie Machon former MI5 Intelligence Officer (pronounced ma-SHON) says Princess Dianna was eliminated because she had some success campaigning against land mines, and was planning to start campaigning for Palestinian rights. This charge was made over 12 years ago. See... She states that Mossad was behind the Israeli Embassy bombing in London (26 July 1994). Here she is correct. Eight days earlier (18 July 94) Mossad had bombed the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association building in Buenos Aires, killing 85 Jews and injuring hundreds. These were false flag attacks blamed on Iran, Hezbollah, and Palestinians. Their purpose was to vilify Yitzhak Rabin and his Labor Party as soft on terrorists. Jewish militants felt they had become too accommodating to the Palestinians. The bombings by Mossad seriously weakened Rabin, but did not destroy him politically. Therefore Mossad had him assassinated on 4 Nov 95. Rabin was not an Ashkenazi Jew; his heritage was Ukranian. When he was out of the way, the Likud Party took power with Netanyahu (an Ashkenazi) as prime minister (22 Nov 1995). You can’t fully understand Israel unless you understand the racial struggles between Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi Jews. __________________________________________________________________________ Well, Israel would have been in trouble if Diana had married Dodi Fayed. Think about it. What if Diana would have visited Palestine as a mother to a half Arabic child and as a wife to an Arab man. Imagine the masses cheering Diana, embracing her as one of theirs. What if the Princess had then hugged a palestinian child in front of hundreds of TV-cameras? Perhaps a child whose parents were murdered by Israeli killing squads! A child whose father might have been shaken to death as a method of Israeli interrogation procedures - shaken until his artery was bursting open. A child whose pregnant mother was beaten to death because a family member of hers was an alleged terrorist against Israel. The truth about the Israeli terror regime would have been revealed to the world - thanks to Diana. Last but not least, the powerful Israel lobby surrounding the British Royals could not tolerate an Arabic influence inside the British Establishment. ... Journalist and author Nicholas Davies describes the motive for Dianas murder as follows: Following her successful actions against landmines the princess had bigger plans yet. She wanted to become an icon for all the refugees of this world. Davis: She intended to start a campaign in a Palestinian refugee camp in Gaza or the West Bank. Diana: This misery must come to an end, these children must no longer live under such conditions, was to be her message. Furthermore, the editor of a German magazine writes: MOSSADs business is spying and killing. MOSSAD does that in the USA just as freely as in Great Britain, France or Germany [Verschlußsache BND, Munich 1997, page 70] So the Israeli Mossad, having a free hand to kill anywhere in the world, could easily assassinate British nationals in France. They had motive, means, and opportunity. It also turns out that she was being monitored by the Mossad. It is alleged that the crashed car had been snatched/rigged by Mossad prior to the crash (For sabotage purposes): Quote: At the time of her death Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed were being monitored by no less than five intelligence agencies which included the following: MI6, NSA, CIA, Mossad and the DGSE! Why such intense interest by so many intelligence groups? It is alleged that Mossad, the much vaunted Israeli intelligence agency was responsible for snatching the Mercedes Benz S280 that was involved in the crash, for the sole purpose of rigging it up for the crash. Therere also whispers that Henri Paul was an asset of theirs, allegations that Mossad have never bothered to refute. (Note though that silence in this business does not necessarily symbolize guilt because quite often its a case of damned if you do…damned if you dont! So in this particular case if Mossad had denied Henri Paul as being an informant of theirs there was sure to be a chorus of voices claiming such a denial was tacit admission to the fact!) buzzle/articles/princ...-of-spies.html Mossad had covert files on Dianas death, and in fact, Henri Paul, their driver, was a Mossad asset. rense/general73/smsod.htm
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:39:55 +0000

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