Princess and the Bean Final episode As all of this was - TopicsExpress


Princess and the Bean Final episode As all of this was happening on top of the mountain the towns people had begun their search. Everyone went in all different directions in search of the missing 3. As they went they enlisted the help of all of the animals of the forest and the great birds of the sky. After searching for many hours, a wise old owl decided he would risk flying to the top of the mountain to try and find them. When he reached the top he ran into a talking Bear who said he thought he saw them disappear into a big hole in the top of the mountain, but when he went to investigate there was none there. The old owl persuaded the bear to go to the village and tell the King and Queen what he had seen, and away they went back down the mountain. As the bear was telling the story of what he had seen, the King began to realize that his greatest fear in life was coming true. After all was told the King rose to his feet and declared there was only one person that could possibly help them. So they all went to see Dollypartner. When they arrived at Dollypartners house they knocked on the door, after several knocks she finally answered, and when she saw all of the people at the door, her first question to them was, “what has happened to Princess Madaline.” The King looked amazed at her, knowing immediately what they were there for and yelled “how did you know.” She waited a few minutes and then told them everyone needed to wait outside except the King and she would talk to him privately. The Queen protested but after a few minutes she agreed and the King went inside. After going in, he was shocked that everything inside her house seemed to be dying, and she also looked as if she was starting to wrinkle and fade away. The King asked her what was going on and she asked him to sit down and be patient. As they sat there, she began to tell the King that the kingdom was in danger of disappearing, because everything there was linked to Princess Madaline’s life force, and she must be in terrible danger for this to be happening. Dollypartner talked about the birth of the Princess and explained the vision she had when she first saw Madaline. She thought since so many years had passed after the Princess’ birth she had been mistaken. “The only thing we can hope for now is that her 2 protectors and her own intelligence will somehow show her the way out of the control of the mountain.” said Dollypartner.As the Princess, Bean, and Puffy tumbled down deeper into the water they realized they were not in water at all, but were now inside the mountain and going deeper and deeper. There seemed to be nothing they could do, but finally Puffy Oak Tree was able to get one of his limbs to grab the side of a rock, and with his other limbs he grabbed the Princess and Bean the Mudpuppy. After they had a few minutes to survey their surroundings and catch their breath Madaline started to cry. Bean and puffy held her and told they would be fine and would get her out of there even though both of them were doubtful they would ever see the light of day again. After some time they all agreed the best thing they could do was to release themselves and continue to fall hoping there would be a bottom. Puffy agreed to hold them very tightly in his limbs, and if after a few minutes they did not reach the bottom then he would try to grab another rock.Meanwhile, back in the village, the King emerged from Dollypartners house and told everyone that everything was going to be fine. He told them he was assured that the Princess would be home soon. He feared that if he told them the truth about the town disappearing they would panic and being a wise and good King he did not want that to happen. Everyone then returned to their homes and the King and Queen returned to the castle. Upon their arrival at the castle, the King told the Queen the truth about what Dollypartner had told him, and that everything in the kingdom, and all of the people, and all that they knew, would be gone if something happened to the Princess. As the Queen cried, the King told her they had to believe her 2 protectors would get the Princess back to them. As the three companions continued to fall, what seemed to them to take forever, Puffy started trying to grab the sides again as he had done before, but this time it seemed even harder. About the time they were giving up hope they came to a stop in what seemed to be a bed of hay. The next few minutes the three gathered themselves and tried to look out into the darkness for any light or possible way out. Bean the Mudpuppy, having the best eyesight, thought he saw a flicker of light that seemed to come from far away and talked the others into following him to see what it was . They walked for hours until they came upon a large bush that seemed to be burning, but as they got closer they could see a face in the bush. It was the face of a beautiful women and it took them by surprise when she began to speak. She told them there were many passages that led from where they were, but only one of those was the way out, and the other passages would lead them to great danger and the mountain would be their home forever. As the last words were spoken the glow from the bush was gone and she disappeared. The next instant after the face in the bush was gone and the trio could hear faint voices coming from every direction and each voice was calling for the three to come to them. All of the voices seemed to sound the same, but one sounded to Madaline a lot like her Mother’s voice. Madaline insisted on going toward that voice, so Puffy and Bean agreed to follow her. As time was passing, back in the village there appeared to be many changes taking place for some reason. All the trees and plants seemed to be dying, and birds stopped singing, and even the animals just wanted to sleep all the time. The strangest thing of all was that the villagers were growing a lot older. Dollypartner new what was going on, but it was not until the King came to see her that she told anyone what it was. She told the King that the whole kingdom and everyone in it were somehow linked to the Princess and the longer she was away, and the more danger she was in, the faster the people and the animals, and everything else in the kingdom would age and eventually die and be gone forever.As the three moved closer to the voice it became stronger and stronger, and all were certain it was the voice of the Queen. It seemed the deeper they went the walls would get closer, until finally it was too tight to travel any further, and they were unable to turn back either because the wall behind them was now even tighter. They were trapped and had no way to get out, and the voice had changed, from the Queen’s, to a very angry voice that kept repeating that they were his now and the kingdom would soon be gone.Meanwhile, the people in the village knew something was happening to them but did not have the energy or strength to do anything about it. The King, gathering all the strength he could, made one last visit to Dollypartner. After arriving at her house he saw that she too was almost dead. The King asked her if there was anything they could do, and she told him that inside the mountain there were two very strong forces, one hated beautiful and nice things and one that lived for those things. She explained that if the evil inside was able to persuade Madaline to believe in his ways she would be trapped there forever, but if her love for her friends, and all the wonderful things in the kingdom came forth, then perhaps all would survive. Puffy and Bean were trapped but it seemed that Madaline could move a little bit. They were all very hungry and exhausted from their long ordeal and wanted to give up. The voice then began to speak to Madaline about going home, and being with her mother and father, and having all the food she wanted along with a nice warm bed. The voice told her that all she had to do was to squeeze through the cracks and he would show her the way out. All of that sounded good to her and she was very hungry and tired, but she said to the voice “what about my friends?” and the voice replied “they will have to stay and pay the penalty for coming inside my mountain.” Both Puffy and Bean told Madaline to go because they would be all right and she could come back with help. Madaline thought that was a great idea and had started to leave, but stopped suddenly and cried out to the voice that these were her best friends in the world and if one remained in the mountain then all of them would remain in the mountain. At that moment Madeline remembered her magic mirror she started carrying in her pocket. It had always told her nice true things and that always comforted her, besides, if she asked, it might know the correct way out. As always it told Princes Madeline how wonderful and better than everyone she was and that she should follow the advice of the voice. It was at this moment Madeline became the great princess she was meant to be. She realized what a fake the mirror had been and how hollow all of its words were. She recognized the fact that she was nothing without the ones she loved. She finally understood that true beauty comes from the heart, and not from how someone looks, and that your true reflection comes from how you treat others. As Princess Madeline realized all of this she threw the mirror down on the ground and smashed it with her shoe. When the mirror cracked, the earth opened up around the group, and raised them up like a giant elevator, up and up, back to the surface. When the dust settled, Madeline found that the whole top of the mountain had fallen back away from the castle and a wonderful fountain had risen out of the earth with her friends. The Princess looked around and saw that Puffy Oaktree no longer looked like a tree but like a man, and the closer she looked, she realized it was none other than her grandfather Jaym, whom she loved dearly. Then she saw a shape next to him which she had thought was Bean the Mudpuppy, but was the body of a little boy who she ran to. The Princess thought the boy was dead but when she rolled him over she heard his dazed voice, and at that moment recognized him as her own lost brother Dina! She grabbed her brother in one arm and her grandfather in the other and wept for joy. Madaline asked if they would mind if she called them by their other names Puffy and Bean. And of course they loved her even more because she understood it was them all along. Moments later, the whole town came running over the top of the ridge including the King and the Queen. They were all singing the praises of Princess Madeline for saving Calidonia. Everything had instantly become healthy again, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming, and all of the children were playing on the fountain. Dollypartner stepped forward and told Princess Madeline how proud she was of her. She also told them how the mountain had buried the house on the other side of it, and its inhabitants were never to be heard from again. The End
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 22:16:54 +0000

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