Principles and objectives .. .. method and the basic principles of - TopicsExpress


Principles and objectives .. .. method and the basic principles of Fatah Article 1: Palestine is part of the Arab world and the Palestinian people is part of the Arab nation and its struggle is part of the struggle. Article (2): the Palestinian people is an independent person and the owner of the right to self-determination and has absolute sovereignty over all its territory. Article (3): the Palestinian revolution of the Arab nation in the forefront of the battle to liberate Palestine. Article (4): the struggle of the Palestinian people is part of the common struggle of the peoples of the world against Zionism and colonialism and global imperialism. Article (5): Battle of the Liberation of Palestine and contribute to the national duty of the Arab nation in all its possibilities and potential physical and moral. Article (6): projects, agreements and decisions made or issued by the United Nations, or a group of states, or any single country on the issue of Palestine, which wasted right of the Palestinian people in the homeland and void and unacceptable. Article (7): the Zionist movement racist colonial and aggressive in ideology and objectives of the organization and method. Article (Cool: Israeli existence in Palestine is a Zionist invasion and aggressive colonial expansive base and a natural ally to colonialism and global imperialism. Article (9): The liberation of Palestine and the defense of the holy sites and the duty of Arabic and religious and humanist. Article (10): Palestinian National Liberation Movement Fatah national revolutionary movement representing independent revolutionary vanguard of the Palestinian people. Article (11): the masses, which is locked Revolution and the editing is the owner and the owner of the land of Palestine. ** Goals: Article (12): complete liberation of Palestine and the liquidation of the Zionist entity economically, politically and militarily, and culturally. Article (13): the establishment of an independent, democratic Palestinian state with full sovereignty on the Palestinian soil and reservation of the legitimate rights of citizens on the basis of justice and equality without discrimination because of race, religion or creed, and Jerusalem as its capital. Article (14): Building a progressive society guarantees human rights and public freedoms guaranteed to all citizens. Article (15): active participation in achieving the goals of the Arab nation in the liberation of diameters and build a unified Arab society Progressive. Article (16): To support the oppressed people in their struggle for national liberation and self-determination in order to build the edifice of world peace on the fair grounds. ** Method: Article (17): armed popular revolution is inevitable only way to liberate Palestine. Article (18): dependence on the vanguard of the Palestinian people and on the basis of the Arab nation as a partner in the battle and achieve effective synergies between the Arab nation and the Arab Palestinian people by involving the Arab masses in the battle through the unified Arab front. Article (19): armed struggle strategy and not a tactic, and the armed revolution of the Arab Palestinian people is a critical factor in the battle of liberation and the liquidation of the Zionist presence will not stop this fight, but the elimination of the Zionist entity and the liberation of Palestine. Article (20): the quest to meet all national forces operating on the battlefield through armed action to achieve national unity. Article (21): Work to highlight the personal struggle of the Palestinian Revolutionary their content in the international field and this does not contradict with the fateful link between the Arab nation and the Palestinian people. Article (22): resist all political solutions offered as an alternative to the liquidation of the Zionist entity in occupied Palestine, and all projects aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause or internationalized trusteeship or people of any party. Article (23): the establishment of relations with Arab countries, aims to develop the positive aspects in the positions of these countries, provided that it is not affected by the armed struggle and the continuation and escalation. Article (24): the establishment of closer links with the liberal forces in the world of anti-Zionism and imperialism and supporting our armed struggle fair. Article (25): Work to convince the concerned countries in the world to stop Jewish immigration to Palestine as a contribution to solving the problem. Article (26): Do not drag the question of Palestine in the Arab and international disputes and to consider the issue over any dispute. Article (27): the open does not interfere in the local affairs of the Arab countries do not allow one to intervene in its affairs or obstructing the Palestinian peoples struggle for the liberation of their homeland
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:16:10 +0000

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