Prisoner Swap Like many of you, I’m watching all of the - TopicsExpress


Prisoner Swap Like many of you, I’m watching all of the reports about President Obama’s decision to swap five Taliban leaders for Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. I don’t want to get bogged down in the details of who did what for whom. We’ll have plenty time of time to talk about that later. What I’ve found fascinating is the running argument of whether or not Sgt. Bergdahl was worth it. Some say he wasn’t a hero. There’s evidence to suggest that he abandoned his post and put his own life and the lives of his unit at risk. Some say since he’s an American, we should do anything we have to do to get him home. History tells us, in war, truth is the first casualty. I think it will be a long time before we know and understand everything we need to about this situation. But here’s what I was thinking about this morning during my own Bible study. I’ve been reading through the gospel of Mark and I’m in chapters 14 and 15—the arrest and crucifixion of Christ—when it hit me. No one would have thought I was worth it either. If there had been a press conference, some reporter would have asked God, “Was the life of Mike Glenn really worth the life of Jesus? Is anyone’s life worth the sacrifice Jesus made?” The obvious answer is “No,” but that’s the deal grace made. I got to come home. Jesus made the swap. And as long as I live, that will never make sense. I guess grace never does.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 21:28:00 +0000

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