Privacy & Inhumane conditions regarding POW Paddy Gordan’s visit - TopicsExpress


Privacy & Inhumane conditions regarding POW Paddy Gordan’s visit to Lagan Valley Hospital on 23rd October 2014. At approximately 8am screws opened my cell door and I began to get ready for my hospital visit. I got to the prison reception at 8.20am and was informed that I was to have a strip search. I refused to comply and a five strong riot team entered and forcibly removed my clothing. After this degrading strip search I was then taken to Lagan Valley Hospital escorted by three screws and two armed TSG PSNI men. On arrival at the hospital I was brought into a radiology room where I was to undergo an ultrasound for a lump on my testicles, the attending nurse asked me to strip from my waist down and to pull my top up. She then left the room to allow me to undress and to get the doctor who was going to carry out the procedure. After she had left I asked the two screws who had remained in the room with me to wait outside the door with the other screw and cops to give me some privacy. They told me they wouldnt be leaving the room and that it was policy to remain in the room. I told them that it was unnecessary and that this was an extremely private and intimate issue that deserves privacy. I further told them that if they were not going to give me the required privacy that I would not be going ahead with the procedure. They still refused. At this point the nurse returned and I informed her of what was happening and told her that I would not be going ahead with the procedure. She asked me to reconsider as the waiting list was so long. I asked her to deal with the privacy issue and I would go ahead with the procedure, I then asked the two screws would they be comfortable in my shoes? if they were having the same medical treatment in the same area of the body would they be happy with two strangers in the room? They both agreed they would not be happy. They claimed that it was out of their control. I then informed the medical staff that I was not going ahead with the procedure and that I was to be returned to Maghaberry Prison. I was handcuffed to staff again and brought back to the prison. On my return to Maghaberry I was met by the same riot squad, I asked the Governor why he was authorising a strip search of myself when I hadnt been separated from his staff and had remained handcuffed to them at all times. I told him this was completely unnecessary. He told me it was procedure when entering or leaving the prison. I asked for his name and he replied Alan Bell. I told him that this was disgraceful and that I would be seeking legal advice on the matter. Signed Republican Prisoners Roe House.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:03:01 +0000

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