Private FB account...:) For now I am deleting all friends except - TopicsExpress


Private FB account...:) For now I am deleting all friends except family members. Hey, those of you who have my phone number, Im sure well continue to stay in touch. You can always eventually find me, lol, Michellesheart will be up and running soon . Feeling in agreement with fellow Prophets, Seers and five-fold leaders to distance a little from the FB world. Not sure whats the deal, but I sure do know the move of Father. I will be going away from FB. Too many privacy issues to keep addressing. For a few years he has spoke to me about personal connections and the internet. This past year, I obeyed and was very transparent in my post, but now he shows me to immediately stop. 2015 ushers in two amazing things Promises fulfilling that seemed lost, but also there is great persecution as the enemy will be very upset at this fulfillment. Just as Father says to guard your heart He is showing me to batten down the hatches of privacy, not out of fear, but out of wisdom. Great deceit has been planted the past 40 years, and he showed me that it has been watered unrighteousness in the church body, especially the last 19 years. NOW, some of those things will sprout, causing confusion and desention (sp?)within the body. He told me to pull close within those who are righteous in Him, and to not air laundry to be picked apart by ravens. Be very discerning, more than before, because deceit has breed with truth and caused halflings of such filth. But in the midst arises the remnant, who must cling closely to one another and rise as favor unleashes in the proportion of Solomon on those who have remained faithful and seek Him purely. As a Seer of Love, I must continue His message hands on, and avoid the onslot which partly happens through FB somehow. I have no idea what that means. Im not a paranoid person, lol, and just ferverently hear to reign in the ranks, as this infiltration begins to blossom. righteousness has not been There are many who seek whole-heartedly after father. Some will remain, completely transparent, some will have many different duties. I am called to protect my children also in this, so I am removing all pictures and anything He tells me. Im sort of shocked at the haste Hes given, but I have walked into the future of this and have no fear. Just a sadness for the persecution some will endure, and the deceit that many will fall for. I hope to still keep in contact with so many of you. Michellesheart will be up and running soon. In the meantime, I will keep my message b ox open for a few days. Then leaving. G-d is doing some amazing things at the turn of the year. But many have prophesied false blessings over un-righteousness and filth. There will also be a purging by the Lord allowing false teachers to rise. People will need to make a choice. Batten down the hatches, I hear...especially here in America. I have done my task for four years. I have loved here openly, transparent to uplift and encourage that you are not alone, you (people) are loved. Now is a time I must withdraw to the mountain, live in the blanket of His shalom and walk in peace for my job has to end, for I was to help usher in the next phase. I love you all. Father loves us all so much. Be careful. Be wary of those who seem to have other paths that lead you from the one HE has placed within you. Checking this out for the time being: https://mewe/
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 20:04:34 +0000

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