Private tuition is illegal and punishable in the - TopicsExpress


Private tuition is illegal and punishable in the Kingdom. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Riyadh Police on Monday conducted a raid in which they arrested and detained three teachers of the International Indian School, Riyadh (IISR) while they were giving private tuition. Acting on a tip off, the police raided the house of the IISR teachers and found them surrounded by students gathered for private tuition. Eyewitnesses who requested anonymity said the names of the teachers detained during the raid include Mehboob Pasha from Karnataka, Mohammad Rifai from Tamil Nadu and Tauheed Ahmad Siddiquee from the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. They were taken to the Tarheel (deportation center) jail, they said. They added that the Riyadh Police has a list of teachers and the addresses of the venues where they take students for tuitions. The IISR principal was not available for comment. However, reliable sources told Arab News that an urgent meeting at the IISR was on and the school management was working on a plan of action. The sources also said that the school’s public relations officer has been asked to bail out the teachers from police custody. When Arab News contacted other community school managements, to inquire if their teachers had also been detained during raids, they replied in the negative. Private tuition is illegal and punishable in the Kingdom. ArabNews / RIYADH: RASHID HASSAN
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:54:52 +0000

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