Privilege Speech: “Resolution of allowing all SB Members to - TopicsExpress


Privilege Speech: “Resolution of allowing all SB Members to watch the SONA of the President while the suspension of Order of Business temporarily is necessary” July 19, 2013 To : Hon. Vilma Santos Recto & Governor Hon. Mark Leviste & Vice Governor Board of Members Sanggunian Panlalawigan Batangas Provincial Capitol Province of Batangas And : Hon. Emmanuel Salvador O. Fronda, Sr., & Mayor Hon. Joel Tanglao Arada & Vice Mayor Sanggunian Bayan Members Sanggunian Bayan, Municipality of Balayan Thru: Ms. Elena B. Cudiamat SB Secretary Dear Honorable Colleagues, This privilege speech with the resolution allowing all SB members to watch the SONA of the President to be sponsored by the FOUR THE PEOPLE OF BALAYAN FOR A BETTER BALAYAN and to suspend temporarily the Order of Business on the 22nd day of July 2013 is an important event as part of the NATION BUILDING following the “DAAN MATUWID” is the Local Government Units (LGU’S) not just to listen to what the STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESSED of our beloved His Excellency BEINIGNO SIMEON AQUINO, III, the President of the Republic of the Philippines but the important role of the LGU’S and the Government Financial Assistance of the Office of the President regarding the Local Annual Budget of all LGU’S which fifty eight million (P58,000.000) or 51% of the budget is derived from the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA). We all know in this privilege speech that being local legislators the SONA of the President is a challenged not only to him but to all Filipinos in the coming year 2016 since the HISTORY of our Philippine Context for strictly politics in terms of JUDICIAL SYSTEM of the nation and the true Spirit of the Law are actually not stable as far as integrity and transparency are concerned as lesson of the past while we cannot deny that we have two (2) REVOLUTIONS of PEOPLE POWER of EDSA 1 of 1986 and EDSA 2 of 2001 which both are big questions of the past why we need to have a government who will protect and defend our sovereignty and our Constitution that are clear to humbly accept that we are in the CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS of the 1986-1987 Philippine Constitution by allowing the PEOPLEPOWER REVOLT to OUST our LEGITIMATE LEADER under the Commission on Elections without the proper due process of the law as we are witnesses of how we done it that is clear and seen of political divisions and political turmoil why it is truly ‘UNCONSTITUTIONAL.” Hoping that in this privilege speech to our honorable colleagues in the entire Province of Batangas of allowing our SB Members to watch the SONA of the President will learn since I personally experienced to be witnessed of the SONA in the year 2006 while there are at that time a CONTROVERSIAL GARCI TAPE SCANDALS of the FRAUD & CHEATING in the ELECTIONS 2004 which it truly affected majority of the Filipinos questioning the LEGITIMACY of the leadership of our PRESIDENT at that time due to scandals brought of the GARCI TAPE which it is considered a “BETRAYAL OF PUBLIC TRUST.” But since we learned also that it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to REVOLT without proper due process while attempt to have another EDSA 3 did not materialized to OUST our highest leader even there is the scandals of GARCI TAPE due to giving a chance of accepting legally the proclamation and the OATH TAKING CEREMONY before the whistle blower spread the said scandals. But of course the SONA of the President will focus primarily to the achievements for people to know as public confessions to what the administration accomplishments in more than two (2) years since June 30, 2010 of his six (6) years of his terms of office being the PRESIDENT of the Republic of the Philippines which we have to be thankful especially the continuing of the up-growing ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT of the country. But since all of the visitors and guests who will be present in the BATASAN PAMBANSA for the SONA of the President are all dignitaries from different countries and facing in front of his speech are members of the House of Senate and House of Congress for the joint INAUGURAL CEREMONY or Inaugural Session of its opening of the two equal branches compared to the CHIEF EXECUTIVE our beloved President HIS EXCELLENCY BENIGNO SIMEON AQUINO, III, everyone are hoping that it has with connection his SONA to the real situations of the country and how to implement the laws with transparency for the victims of injustices as we are all following the “DAAN MATUWID” to what is truly happening with the problems of the nation in either for our Provinces, Cities or Municipalities as far as the entire nation composing Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao are concerned. Problems that are presently facing of our Philippine Government; 1. The pending BILL of the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FO1) that is actually to be approved to become a law to what is the solutions why we have done the IMPEACHMENT TRIALS of former CHIEF JUSTICE CORONA regarding the family assets, liabilities or properties that are not actually declared properly under the law as fight against the rampant GRAFT & CORRUPTION in our public officials and elected officials as far as our law is concerned. 2. The REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH LAW that is unsurprisingly approved with an over whelming votes by the majority in Congress due for being controversial the bill but unfortunately the law of the REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH are pending to implement which is now to be decided of our JUDICIARY in the Supreme Court of the Philippines due for many cases of victims using the contraception/or contraceptives with an effect to the health of the user although it is one way for our Philippine Government to our problem of population control as far as our President is concerned. 3. The NATIONAL SECURITY in terms of INSURGENCY PROGRAM of our Philippine Government is actually threat of having the problems in the peace and order due for the existing fight against our Philippine Soldiers versus to our MILF/CPP-NPA/ABUSAYAF/ AL QUIADA etc., where there is clear violations of the law as they are considered lawless elements while we have actually to respect our Constitution rather than our FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and abuses which it has solutions of diplomacy following the legal and due process of the law for “NO ONE IS TRULY ABOVE THE LAW.” 4. The SCAMS that are actually happening in our commercial and rural banks declaring the bankruptcy after collecting millions of pesos for the depositors as far as our BANKO CENTRAL NG PILIPINAS is concerned and the PDIC law. Including of the Financing Institutions or the other Insurance Company after so many years of their EDUCATIONAL PLAN etc., for the subscribers who already done the full payment did not actually benefited to the said program due to its bankruptcy. And other related cases such as Drug Syndicates and bank robberies including groups who are hired killers are all threat and dangerous for our National Security in terms of Peace and Order as far as our local and foreign tourists and investors are concerned which it will have a big effect to the ECONOMY of the country unless there is no law to protect its citizens. In as much as the problems of our country is concerned in terms of development also as far as our LGU’S are concerned in terms of illegal settlers or squatters especially in Metro Manila and other parts of the country or even the conflict or allegations regarding the Philippine Territory as far as SPRATLY ISLANDS and other properties of the country are all that we can only solved using the DIPLOMACY in respect to the due process of the law and even the international law since we are all with bilateral relationships each of the countries not only in ASIA but around the world as UNITED NATION is concerned. All of the above-mentioned in this privilege speech either it will be included or not in the SONA of the PRESIDENT as far as the real problems of the nation is concerned being LOCAL LEGISLATORS and even our national leaders who are members of the House of Senate and House of Congress we can actually realized that everyone have still the role to help and to support our Philippine Government in the leadership of our PRESIDENT of the REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES HIS EXCELLENCY BENIGNO SIMEON AQUINO, III to whatever his SONA on Monday and to whatever the “DAAN MATUWID” will be in facing the problems for another three (3) years of his terms of office until year 2016. This greetings of CONGRATULATIONS as I took this privilege speech to the success of your INAUGURAL SESSION that was held last July 12, 2013 (Friday) is actually lesson why in the SONA of the PRESIDENT on Monday his expectations of the support from all LGU’S are important to solved the true and real problems of the nation that is clear why every local government unit shall exercise the powers under Section 16 of our Local Government Code of the Philippines that is centered for the GENERAL WELFARE. But since to end this privilege speech for our honorable colleagues we should know that our partners in the ‘DAAN MATUWID” of the LGU’S are the DILG, DOJ, OMBUDSMAN & SANDIGAN BAYAN of our Philippine Government under the office of our Chief Executive the President as they gave the powers to give an evaluations of how to make a laws for the improvement of our JUDICIAL SYSTEM in the country based on what is truly happening as far as our SUPREME COURT OF THE PHILIPPINES is concerned why we have the new CHIEF JUSTICE of the Supreme Court as lesson of the past and why we have done the IMPEACHMENT TRIALS as far as TRUTH & JUSTICE are concerned for those who are having the pending cases for so many years and yet not been sentenced of either guilty or not as far as TRANSPARENCY in our JUDICIAL SYSTEM of the country is concerned being local and national law making bodies. Thank you very much. CRISOSTOMO TANGLAO ARADA Office of the Personal Chief of Staff of Vice Mayor JOEL Former Municipal Councilor – Year 2004-2007 Former Committee Chairman on Human Rights Former Committee Chairman on Oversight Municipality of Balayan Province of Batangas NOTE: Since my new account in facebook of chiefofstaffbong@yahoo is block and not being used to be available only today after sending this info of the reason I used this facebook to activate again. thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 08:12:59 +0000

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