Probable Solutions To ASUU Strike by Olayinka David : My fellow - TopicsExpress


Probable Solutions To ASUU Strike by Olayinka David : My fellow Nigerian student, dis is an idea which have been planning for a long time now but lack support to follow it up....This nation has really done a very bad damage to each and everyone of us whether you admit it or not...Sorry to say, dis country has failed in every sector and am sure you can agree wit me that education section is worse, so am bringing this idea forward PROBABLE SOLUTIONS TO ASUU STRIKE (1) I feel we students should take it upon ourselfs and contribute 1000 naira each since our country is already a failed country and instead of complaining and wasting our time, why dont we take charge of this..atleast, they say we are the leaders of all starts now..lets show a sense of responsibility.. i know many will disagree with me but instead of waiting on our use-less leaders, why dont we do start this and build a good future for our own children. MY CALCULATIONS BELOW if all students can contribute 1k each (every session),assuming we have 40,000,000 undergraduates in nigeria(100 - 500level), that will be N40billion naira. If all universities contribute a certain percentage of the total tuition fees paid by student, lets say they all contribute N5billion naira, then out use- less fg complete it with N55billion...things would turn up easy for everybody. (2) DISBAND ASUU The so called thieves who call themselves ASUU should be scattered..i see all of them as a bunch of thieves so are just looting our money lieing that they are fighting for our interest when the stup-id pple will still collect their salary no matter how long we go on strike, A new group should be formed, maybe a 5man group consisting of 1 or 2 students and they must be held accountable for any money not well spent cos its the sweat of we students....This new group would be ones responsible for distributing the funds and overseeing the development of variouse universities involved This is what i think that might help...atlease a journey of a thousand miles starts with a step and i heard that during the last election in the states, pple who wanted Obama in contributed money even the students where not left out. WHY CANT WE DO THE SAME really getting tired of staying at home cos its making me feel there is no point in going to a university when at the end of the day, the main purpose of the school is just to make money afterwards which we dont need school to do please, am asking my fellow nigerian students what you think about this and your various views, maybe we can start this action and leave ASUU and fg to continue their debacle....
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:56:47 +0000

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